Better Place

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You stare blankly at the white wall in front of you. Everything around you is a blur other than the one spot you're focusing on.


It can't be.

Muffled noises sound around you, you don't care to look up. A warm hand is placed upon your shoulder, you shudder only imagining how cold hers must be. If only their was more you could have done. Only more you could have said.

The call of your name snaps you into reality. Justin is hovering in front of you, sadness and despair in his eyes and in his words. As if the gloom has absorbed all joy from the world.

"I'm sorry." He whispers, no louder than needed. "I'm so sorry."

What is their to be sorry for? If anything, you're the one to be sorry. Sorry that you didn't do more. Sorry that you could have done more.

"Come here." He grips your shoulders and peels you of the plastic chair, forcing you into his strong embrace.

Attention still focused on the same spot. Everything out of focus.

"She's in a better place. She's happy, free, content, at peace."

"I should, I should h-have done more." You croak, tears welling into puddles.

"Shh, you've done everything she would've wanted you to do. You've been by her side, held her, made her comfortable, made her loved." He strokes a piece of falling hair behind your ear.

Puddles turn into a waterfall flowing down your cheeks. "I-I miss her, so m-much."

"I know you do. I know you do."

He holds you tight, never letting you go.


This was written in remembrance to my recently passed grandmother. 

It's been hard for me to write anything at the moment and this is all I could come up with.

I also hold deep regret with tell you that my break from wattpad might be extended a little while longer due to my mental state. Recently, my depression and anxiety have become overwhelming due to many things such as my grandmother's passing, having to console my mother and getting homework and assignments done. Wattpad is just another thing to stress me so I hope you understand that I want my mental health to be in check before anything else. I'm really sorry if this inconveniences you in some way but I hope you can understand.

Also, thank you guys so much for the support I've received during this time, it's really help me through this difficult time :)

Love you all so much 

Justin Bieber Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now