⋘ "Chapter 3" ⋙

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Edd obviously wanted no part in Matt's possibly, evil plan although its most likely he'd do something, but if he didn't go then he'd kill him anyways, so it's a good day to die today..
School ended and it was just like any other "end of the first day" type of day. His mother was already there as she waved at him from her car, Edd ran up to the car and jumped right in. His mother kept talking to herself, usually towards Edd though. It bothers him, how his own mother isn't willing to talk to her deaf son, she hasn't even bothered using the notepad or sign language. Just like his father, although, he enjoyed those precious moments where he didn't remember about his dad, maybe it was for the best. Let's just say he's the reason why Edd doesn't like going to other people's homes. They entered their household, his mom immediately went to the kitchen until Edd gave her the notepad, before taking it she moved Edd's hair away from his eyes. For some reason she really loved his eyes, anyways, as she read the message she took Edd's pen.
"Don't be later than 7pm, and be safe out there kiddo, i love you very much Edd :)."
"Alright Mom, i love you too :,)"
She nodded and motioned him to leave. Edd grabbed his backpack again but with his sketchbook this time, knowing they wouldn't actually study together. Before leaving, Edd hugged his mother and left to Matt's home.

Before Edd approached the house with a dark purple window, he moved his light brown hair over his pale face as he noticed the window was wide open and the ginger wore something that he probably would never wear. He wore a sweater that said something Korean, but he couldn't see the bottom half body since his head was sticking out the window. Matt waved at him with a smile, never a good thing to see.

" C'MON DUDE, GET UP HERE ASSHOLE!!", Matt shouted out his window, it startled Edd but he replied with a small smile, Matts room was next to his garage, which means its time for climbing. He slowly made his way to the window, entering the window, Matts room was so cute. Small star lights surrounded the room along with his mattress, just a bed with a pillow, two blankets, and a small teddy bear. Edd looked around until Matt came with his backpack and walked into the room, assuming he left before he walked in. " Edd, hello, how are you- oh wait, sorry. ", Matt spoke softly, Edd sat on the wooly floor and dug through his gray backpack to only find his notepad, he wrote so smoothly and quickly with such ease, like he's done this a lot.
" Hi hello Matthew :) I'm pretty swell, you seem quite chipper, why's that?.."
" Just happy, is that a problem?."
" No NO! Thats great, just- you're so much more different compared to the moods you have at school..."
" Home is better than school Edd. "
" I understand that, anyways, shouldn't we study? "
" Whats that? C'mon Edward, lets have some fun!"
" I know i know, I'm not that lame. Just a simple question though? "
" Shoot. "
" When you bully other high schoolers, what did they look like? Did they seem scared? :0 "
" Yeah, always, now lets go have some fun Eddie, are you down? ;) ", Edd read this passage like he's never been asked this before, he hesitated obviously, but if he wanted to impress the ginger, then he'd have to agree. " Yea, let's go goof around Matthew... ", as Matt read his response he held out two thumbs up, this wasn't a study, this is a research. Edd knew he'd act differently back at school so he made an attempt to notice all the good and more pleasant things about Matt, then compare back at school..
They did so much, it sucked being a deaf kid, Matt took him out bowling and for fast food, Edd tried to have a good time. But Matt, acted like his mother, talking to him like he's listening, but he can't. Which is what killed his vibe, but he was happy either way. When they got home, the two entered through the window, Edd watched Matt laugh for no reason, it made him happy that he's happy but, hopefully he'd hear that laugh soon. The brunette yanked notepad and wrote with his purple pen, he always had different pens for different moods.
" Matt, thanks for the so call study session :3 "
" No problem Edd, want me to walk you home? "
" Nah i got it, ima head on home dude. Have a nice night :3 ", he gave the notepad to Matt as Edd grabbed his backpack, but something about Matt made him unable to move, if he did move, he'd always inch closer to his face. Then Edd remembered its only the first day of school, so he backed away and snatched the notepad, writing so smoothly then ripping out the paper and left it in front of Matt as he saluted him before exiting through the window.
" You're weird, i like that about you, such a bittersweet boy. That's it! You'll be the bittersweet boy, like a lemon uwu,, have a nice night Matthew, I'll see you tomorrow morning before school!
Sincerely -
Citrus Boy :,) "
Total words: 892

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