☏ "Chapter 11" ☏

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Edd kept walking, he kept all the paperwork and everything that seemed helpful or useful, he couldn't go home. So, where else could he go?
Matt's House..
Matt was his lover after all, he should accept him, he even defended him from Riley and Tom. Besides, the fight must've ended already..
" I'm sorry, for getting you into this..."
" Eddie, this isn't your fault! It's Riley's!; She told Tom something that wasn't true and you told her the truth, which her doing that was a dick move. But it isn't your fault Honey.. "
" Then it isn't my fault that you have bandages everywhere and a black eye? "
" It really isn't anything- "
" It is to me, I care about you Matthew,, hell i love you too! But i don't like seeing you like this... "
" I'll live. I love you too :) "
The two lovebirds had the sweetest conversation ever, even Edd told himself if he ever felt down, to just look back to their love conversation. Matt began writing something until he jumped, Edd looked at him but Matt knew something was wrong. Edd didn't know, either way Matt arose with the notepad and pen in his hands and walked over to his phone. Edd watched it all, he understood a few things like, " I'll be fine " or " Nothing happened ", Matt's face softened, paled as he at Edd. He nodded and hung up while scribbling really fast and grabbed his backpack.
" We're leaving now. No time to chat so we're to Tord's house and staying there , c'mon. "
Edd looked at him puzzled, he either thinks he's still alive or he knows where he lives, either way Edd followed beside him, he didn't have anywhere else to go and didn't want to go..
" Why Tord's place? "
" he gave me his spare key, he lives alone "
" that's a bit mean? no? "
" it isn't mean if you wanna sleep outside.. "
" Another question, why are we out here anyways? "
" Uhm- okay okay, just please don't hate me... my parents are homophobic's and they think there's something wrong with you because of that and cuz you're deaf. I obviously didn't believe that and just broke their dumbass rules... "
" ouch,, "
" No no! I don't think of you like that! "
" I know, but they have a point, there is something wrong with me.. "
" Edward, you are so fucking perfect, i think that you're an adorable, amazing, beautiful and nice artistic person that needs to build up their self esteem:) "
" thanks Matthew uwu "
Edd and Matt smiled at each other before approaching Tord's household, it was in good condition but not that good, although he did have a grayish cat. Edd smiled down at her as she walked around him, Matt motioned him to come inside, it wasn't too bad or good so it was okay, but it was the best they could do. Matt pulled off his shirt without warning as Edd silently walked away with a blushing face, Matt changed into sweat pants and a dark gray shirt with the words " I ♥ M@ ", his favorite shirt. Edd looked around in the kitchen for some food, most likely Top Ramen, as he looked around, Matt messed around with his soft brown hair, Edd waved his hand away , grabbing the soup and began pouring a hot cup of water into the styrofoam cup and heated it in the microwave. Matt just made himself cereal and handed Edd the orange pen with the notepad as well.
" Whatcha lookin at Lover Boy ;) "
" You "
" That's pretty gay.. "
" Just like you and me ;,) "
" Woooow so smooth Matthew... "
" Just like this dick "
Edd laughed and smirked at him, he shook his head chuckling as he grabbed the Ramen out and sat at the table fit for two.
" Eddie, I gotta ask, what's the purse for? "
" Carrying things in, like a purse should??? "
" You're sense of humor never ceases to amaze me.. "
" Is that an insult >:I "
" You figure it out, Lemon Boy.. "
" Already did , Citrus Boy :) "
Edd woke up next to Matt, his eyes were on fire but he couldn't risk missing another day of school, although it wasn't important after all the shit he's going through, but he just had to go. They didn't do anything sexual, obviously, they just cuddled to sleep, which made Edd happy as he kissed him before getting up for school. He wore the same thing he wore for the past couple days, it was gross, but he was planning to do something about it later, Matt awakened as well and groaned loudly, Edd was making breakfast for the two, which was just cereal. Matt grabbed the pen and notepad off the table and began to write his good morning to Edd as he placed the cereal in front of him.
" Good morning my Love :,) how was your beauty sleep?~ "
" Wow, already starting off the morning gay as hell? I slept well my Beauty :3 how about you? "
" Slept well, dreamt about you too ;) "
" gross xp "
Edd and Matt held hands walking into the school, it felt like they were the only gay couple there, which they kinda were, but the two were happy about it and that's all that mattered to them. Edd looked up at Matt and smiled as he walked away to his locker, but his locker was completely covered with horrible..
" your mom deserved to die... "
Edd teared up a bit and slammed his locker, he was about ready to cut himself until he was stopped by the boy who started it all.
He looked at him with a smug face and stared down at him, he threw a couple of insults as he began laughing, even if Edd didn't understand he was done with his bullshit. He punched him in the stomach as Edwardo fell back, his two friends helped him up but he pushed them away, he punched him back but Edd dodged his attacks and kept punching him.
" s-so weak... Eddie boy haha- "
Total words: 1016

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