☩ "Chapter 4" ☩

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Edd arose from his bed like it's something important. He thought about Matt the entire time, he didn't care or know why, but he didn't want to like him. It's a weird feeling, a feeling where you want to like a certain person but either can't or don't want to. To sum it all up, Edd doesn't want to like him but deep down, he does. It was time for some advice from his mother. He dressed himself with his 'SMEG HEAD' shirt, green hoodie, and blue jeans with yellow shoes. Walking into the kitchen, where she usually is at, was a piece of paper. It read:
" Good morning baby, it's mom :) i wasn't able to get home. I tried but it didn't work out, so i left some food in the fridge and snacks. I love you so much Eddie :)
Mom. "
Reading it made him not only happy but confused, " If Mother wasn't able to get home, how'd she put this here?...", he thought to himself and all possibilities, it scared him and decided to forget it. While making himself breakfast, he turned on the T.V which was on the News, that channel was his favorite but he didn't know why. Approaching the speaker of the T.V, he sat on the floor and put his hand on the speaker. He understood the variations so it was somewhat easy, until something caught his attention..
" Carol Gold found dead in a river, suspects- "
Edd stopped himself from listening any longer, that letter wasn't from her, it was from somebody else. This struck him in the chest so badly, it was no wonder. Either she died before she came home, or somebody took her. Edd could feel his throat hurting like somebody punched him there, he couldn't miss school and just decided to arrive late.
Opening the school doors, the hallways were empty and quiet, just the way liked it. He didn't even bother going to his locker and wrote in his notepad before entering. He took a deep breath and walked in, everybody looked at him as Riley used sign language to ask what was wrong, he didn't care and placed the notepad under the projector.
" my mom died today. her name was Carol, she was a great and beautiful woman, she didn't deserve to leave. Too young but now she's gone. Im not in the mood to talk even if i can't.. most importantly, don't say your sorry..."
Edd left it there for a while, then took it back and sat down, he motioned the teacher to continue teaching and doing her job. He looked at Riley but she wasn't there anymore, he didn't care either way and continued with class. The bell rang and everybody left, except Edd was the first one to exit, avoiding Matt and Riley. But he ran into her anyways, she looked demanding and held her hand out, he mentally sighed and gave her the red pen and notepad, she finished writing her message and speed walked away from him towards Social Studies. Edd read it and wasn't even sad, well he is still but now he's fucking pissed.
" Edd, get over it and don't do that again. Im sorry she's dead but at least don't talk about it in class. GET OVER IT JACKASS..."
Edd officially hated her now, he's never going to get over it, ever. She isn't going to stop him and he isn't going to stop himself. He walked up to the projector again and showed the same message. He looked around as the girl looked at him, Edd smirked like it wasn't true, but it was. Every class he stepped into he showed the same exact message..
After school he was happy, but now he'd have to walk home, which was fine with him until a boy from his classes ran up to him and began blabbing his head off until he knew who he was talking to. Edd handed him the notepad and pen as he wrote not so good, but he could still read it.
" Edd, i know you didn't want any pity but im truly sorry. Im Thomas but just call me Tom! Uh- you doin any better :0 "
" im having a good ol' dandy day Thomas, what about you? "
" Oh it's good!; but please, just Tom.. "
" So Thomas, you walking home because im sure as hell i am. "
" Yes i am Edward, i live pretty close to school.. "
" Fun. "
Edd and Tom continued talking until they approached his house, it wasn't to old nor big, but enough to fit two people. He saluted Tom goodbye as he instead, waved goodbye. Edd continued walking home and looked back to their conversation, he mentioned his "bestest friend", Tord. Interesting name but that name reminded him of something but couldn't put his finger on it. Anyways, Tom only lived a block away from Edd which was nice, as Edd arrived home, his smile disappeared, a truck in front of his house..
his Dad's truck...
Total words: 839

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