Chapter 9

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Tae: (sigh)

Y/N: Sooo....what are we gonna do now?

Tae: I don't know just didn't expect that from my little sister it just here (points at his heart)

Y/N: Hmmm I can understand that but I really need to go inside and change, return your clothes, have to return the cloth teache--

Tae: It's ok you don't have to...

Y/N: No it's yours common I need to get ready, why don't you go to your work too. I'm getting late.

I step in the house again and go to my room Jungkook is cleaning the house while Jewels came up to me yelling.

Jewels: Yahhh you could have told me that you're bringing my brother to this place!!!

Y/N: Calm down Jewels don't yell at me what did I do?

Jewels: What did you do? Now my brother knows that I'm in a relationship without him Knowing!

Y/N: Well that's your fault not mine you could have told him earlier.

Jewels: Are you telling me what to do?

Y/N: Jewels look you're pretty angry right now and I think you should calm down so I can explain you what happened.

Jewels: I don't need your explanation!
Aren't you jealous cause I'm in a relationship but your not! Right? Is that why you bought my brother here too.

Y/N: Jewels I didn't even think that plus why would I be jealous stop acting like that and---

(My phone starts to ring)

Y/N: Hello?

Teacher: Y/N I am waiting for you it's been 15 minutes.

Y/N: I am really sorry am on my way!

Shit! I went to the bathroom, ignoring Jewels behind me watching me, her eyes filled with anger cause I insulted her infront of her brother, i changed into my shirt and pants but Tae's clothes from before smelled so nice. I quickly ran out the house and....WOW 

Y/N: You're still here?

Tae: Yup!!! (Gives me a box smile)

I couldn't help but smile back.......
HE IS JUST SOOO CUTE😆😆 I looked at my right and saw my car, it's tyre is again punctured. I sighed hard but then Tae opened the door of his car as a sign to sit.

Y/N: REALLY!! You'll take me!

Tae: Yeah sure hop in!

I happily sat in his car and told him where to go. We finally arrived at our schools gate and there I see my teacher she is really cross. I prepared myself cause I knew now I was dead.

Y/N: Hello ma'am I apologize of what i did. I honestly didn't mean to its just my tyre got punctured and---

Teacher: But why didn't you return me yesterday.


Tae: Oh actually miss we had a party yesterday but she felt really sick and couldn't come, she was so worried about the cloth so she told me to give it to you but unfortunately I didn't know the address to the school and it got pretty late. I should be the one to apologize.

Teacher: Nevermind....Y/N who is he to you?

Y/N: (that question was sudden) Umm...

Tae: I'm her boyfriend.


Tae: Yes I am, anyway miss please excuse us!

We went back and sat in the car now.

Y/N: Yahhh listen you've been saving me every time, when my car got punctured you saved me by bringing me here you even saved me infront of my teacher and you even told her that you're my boyfrie--

Tae: Hey look why don't we just sit in a beautiful park and talk there ok the weather is so good who wants to eat ice cream.


We got to a park with many swings and beautiful flowers, the view was perfect, everything looked perfect I was actually having this feeling that I can't describe.

Tae: Ok so what were you saying?

Y/N: I didn't say anything.

Tae: No back in the car.

Y/N: Oh right.....nothing just---

(I suddenly get a text message from Jewels)

Jewels: Y/N I'm sorry but I gotta move on okay I packed my stuff and I've decided to be Jungkook's roommate.

Looking at the text I couldn't bare it at all I wanted to call her but I didn't tears started to form in my eyes.

Y/N: What did I do? Why is she acting this way?

Tae: Hey you crying what's the matter?

Y/N: Tae.....I think I need some time alone ok

Tae: But...I got us ice creams. Yahhhh common you can tell me besides she is my sister tell me what did she do?

Y/N: No she is you're sister and...I have a feeling if she can leave me so can you.

Tae: Hey she is not my sister by blood. She is different I am different. So tell me what's wrong?

Y/N: She said that she has packed her stuff and now she will live with Jungkook.

Tae: Soooo.....that's why

Y/N: WHAT THAT'S WHY SHE WAS MY FRIEND AND SHE CHANGED SO QUICKLY IT HURTS. (I was crying and screaming on top of my voice)

Tae: Hey if that's how it is let's us share a house. You come to my place.

Y/N: No I feel weird since you're a guy and I'll be super uncomfortable but thanku for asking I think it's a lesson for me not to trust people that easily. She changed so fast I didn't expect it one more lesson never expect something from people.

Tae: Yah yah ok ok I get it your ice cream you're ice cream....

Y/N: Another lesson don't talk when you have ice cream in hand or else it will fall down.

Tae: Hahaha yah you're so childish and funny! Stop talking and eat.

We ate ice cream and since it was getting dark, Tae left me to my house, he was insisting me to come to his place but I said no.

I took a step in and everything looked so...empty, I actually had a habit of living alone before too but never felt this empty in my life. Jewels meant a lot to me! She really did! Chase girls away when they came to bully me, bring me lunch when I was hungry, make delicious food, take care of me when I was sick, she looked after me when my parents weren't there.  

I sat in a near by chair and started to cry still not believing that she left me just because of Jungkook, is this what happens when people find love. I started to cry harder, there was an echo in the house.


Y/N: Huh! Jewels!!!

I ran to open the door and.....

Tae: Hi hehehe got us something to eat, you crying again no way I just couldn't eat alone so got some rice🍚 and curry🍛 and I also got pudding🍮.

I started to laugh and cry at the same time making Taehyung laugh at me too. I had a running nose too.

Tae: Yahhh I told you you're so funny!

He came in and put the table mats and food on the table, he told me to wash my face, I was really happy to have someone by my side, being on his side made me comfortable. I liked talking to him too. What a nice personality. We ate and talked but Tae didn't mention anything about Jewels, he told me about how many video games he likes and how much he has played. He told me about how much he likes anime and likes watching "One Piece". I actually was having fun, he made me forget everything.

After eating we watched some anime that he told me about. I felt tired and slept on the sofa.

To be continue.....

The New Neighbours K.Th And J.JK FFWhere stories live. Discover now