Chapter 11

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It has just been 2 days since I had fun with Taehyung at the market. I now go to school and have seen the following changes.
1. Jewels ignoring me.
2. Jewels changed her seat and sat beside Jungkook.
3. Jewels eye rolls at me
4. Jewels laughing, talking and happy with Jungkook.
5. Jewels and Jungkook everywhere.

I see that if she likes it this way then ok I'm fine with it. But not really it does hurt at some point cause she knows my weakness, she knows  everything about me. I lost someone but I gained someone and that's TAEHYUNG💞. We do keep in touch, he calls me at the same exact time when I'm feeling down and makes me happy by his cuteness, and how caring he is. I honestly like him, I see nothing bad about him cause he's just perfect. I am starting to.....fall for him!!! But I think he should feel the same too. School dismiss in few minutes I heard that Jungkook and Jewels had their plans on going to the seaside. Oh great~~~ what a couple.
Why am I jealous, I shouldn't be jealous. It's just that I'm not jealous but hate Jungkook for stealing my Jewels.


Now I am walking down and I'm out of the school and to my surprise Prince Charming is waiting for his princess to sit with him in his horse and take her back to the castle.
But I am very very HAPPY!!!!

Tae: Hey! How are you?

Y/N: Heyy~~~ I'm great you?

Tae: Long time no see decided to have some time together.

Y/N: Hahaha really? Great!! So where we going to?

Tae: Where do you wanna go?

Y/N: Dunno Jungkook and Jewels are going to th--

Tae: Would you STOP!!!!

Y/N: (eyes widen)

Tae: JUNGKOOK AND JEWELS ALL THE TIME!!!!! Cummon girl move on.....we are here to have our fun I don't care what others do and now we are going to the.......Zoo!

Y/N: I'm sorry, Huh What? Zoo?

Tae: If not zoo then.....I know there's a new Aquarium I saw when I was comming here.

Y/N: (smiles brightly) *pecks on his cheek* 😚

Tae: (gives a cute smile) You didn't had to!! 😄

Y/N: Awww are you blushing!!! 😆

Tae: No.....( Yes he is blushing) 😳

We were on our way listening to songs with full volume, we were now already jamming to the songs, when my favourite song came and we arrived at the place.

Tae: Let's gooooo~~~

Y/N: Hey! That was my favourite song~~ (I whined)

Tae: Haha we can listen to it when we come back.

We entered the place, it looked really expensive but it seemed like Taehyung already paid for it and had it prepared. People around us looked really rich and were respecting and bowing at us as we were going. I bowed back at them. Taehyung was walking with a big grin on his face. And as we entered the most beautiful place I've ever seen. It's blue everywhere and fishes all around us, it's like we are walking in a tunnel and up there are all fishes. So beautiful!! I am enjoying the coral reefs and the underwater plants when I see two eyes just fixed at me.

Y/N: What?

Tae: Nothing.....(turns his face)

We had fun looking at all the sea creatures .🐳🐋🐬🐟🐠🐡🦈🐙🦀🦐🦑🐚
I was amazed and took many photos.

Tae: Hey look at the camera.

Y/N: (raises eyebrows) Yah that was so sudden!!

Tae: I know you look cute.

Y/N: Hey delete that!!!

Tae: No I'm not gonna.(grabs my hand and takes me to the table) Lets order something! (Raises hand to call the waiter)

The waiter comes running to Tae.

Waiter: Oh hello sir, sorry to keep you waiting. Heres the menu.

Stands there and starts to stare at me when I look at him in the eyes he winks at me which makes me turn my head to Taehyung. Tae notices what's going on so he gave him a death glare. Tae had to leave for the bathroom leaving me with this jerk.
After few minutes he starts messing with me again.

Waiter: What's your name Kitty?

Y/N: Excuse me? Who are you--

Waiter: My name is Kai. You?

Y/N: Sorry I don't tell my name to stupid people like you.

The manager notices me getting angry at this waiter, so he pulls him by the ear and takes him away.

Tae: Where is the waiter?What happened?

Y/N: Well you see he was tryna mess with me when the manager noticed and drag him away.

Tae: Oh good, you're okay?

Y/N: Yeah I'm now.

We called and gave our order to the waiter, we ate🍲🍽️and drank🥂. Still roaming around the aquarium we took beautiful clicks and pics and now we were heading home. On our way we didn't talk much but i had fun with him, I thanked and waved at him for the last time. He gave me his cute box smile and told me not to feel sad or upset and said that he is always there for me. 

I opened the door of my house and Tae in his car still looking and waiting for me to go inside. I opened the door with the key. Here infront of me the house inside looked empty, less fun, dark, I stepped back and looked at Tae again. This time Tae smile fades away. He scroll down his car window and said..

Tae: Waeee???

I ran to his car window and said..

Y/N: Tae do you like me around you?

Tae: (silent for few seconds and starts to smile suddenly) Why what do you think?

Y/N: I don't know that's why am asking you. Back in the house feels scary alone. Do you mind---

Tae: Go get your stuff you are comming with me.

I let out a YAAHOOOO!!! Making Tae laugh at me. I went in and grabbed my stuff and a huge bag.

To be continue...........

The New Neighbours K.Th And J.JK FFWhere stories live. Discover now