short poems ii

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i sit beneath the stars
with silence as company
and for tonight at least
it feels like enough

- the stars smile back

theres a poeticism in circles
how can it end if it never began?
how can i mourn the loss of you
if you were never mine to lose?

is it possible to miss something
that you never had at all?
because i swear tonight i do
i swear, all i wanted was you

- circles

i wonder what it is to belong
to never feel like the other
to be the piece that fits
in the puzzle of the conversation

i wonder what it is to smile
smile big and full and wide
smile because you can't keep it in
and not because you have to

- i guess i'll never know

the sun shines for us baby
our hands intertwined
alongside our souls
us alone together
running away
from us

- we are our own predator

oil spills from the puncture wounds
who needs blood, my dear?
just let the tar poison your heart
breathe in the ashes and smoke
forget the flames spitfire
youre all stamped out now

   - wildfire


i dont fucking know

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