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tell me how much you love me
me, the springtime singer
with flowers in her hair
not a nasty thing to say about anyone

and whisper at the bus stops
"she's a lovely girl
i wish she liked herself more
sadness doesn't suit her pretty face"

and picture in your mind
that caricature of softness
slightly too far to be natural
a summer house with cracks
in the plaster

d o n t  y o u  s e e

im a ghost haunting a palace
white ceilings white walls
and screams through the nighttime

watch me preach to you
to love yourself
to accept your flaws
while i cry myself to sleep
with the
                h a t r e d
                                   in my heart

because the truth is
spring time girls always
feel like a break from the chills
but in the end
all we bring is



this was more of a thought spam then a coherent poem but no one reads this anyway so we fine

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