with love

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don't words just belong to your pretty lies spun in gossamer and starlight? to the way you let "i love you" and "i'll never leave" fall from your mouth, hanging in the air like specks of dust dancing through the wind in their waltz?

if so, then pain belongs to me. the feeling of a knife twisting through my chest, carving my bones into sculpture, my blood falling in a twisted painting. the only art you ever saw in me.

silence belongs to the seconds after you spilled your guts. my, weren't we all proud. baby's first steps. your first truth. "i never even loved you."

why'd you stick around so long? was it the way i hung to your every word? the way i smiled at you? the way i made you feel like you meant a damn thing to someone. so fucked in the head that my devotion meant your self worth. like my love made up for the fact you chased everyone else away.

maybe you want me to thank you for allowing my puppy dog love. for kissing me under the stars. for mimicking my declarations of love. for acting like i meant a single damn thing to you.

thank you for fucking with my head.

sunsets were never as beautiful without your head on my shoulder and your breath on my neck. but the nights were always pitch black as soon as you kissed me goodbye. it was like it was you who sprinkled the stars into the night. you who took them away from me.

you always looked like an angel. but lucifer was an angel once too.

it wasn't until i was on my knees begging you not to walk away that your halo fell down. it wasn't until you looked at me with nothing but pity and walked away that i understood that the devil started in heaven.

can't spell i love you without "l i e", right?

sometimes i really fucking hate you.

with love,



lol @ me who has literally never been broken up with and just breaks up with everyone because of ~deep seated commitment issues~

also this isn't poetry??? but i didnt know where to put it so here you go enjoy this Not Poem

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