The offer

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Ten felt bad for not realizing how bad what he said hurt his brother. He remembers that one cold, windy night when the younger was rushed to the hospital, screaming in agony. It made him sick to hear him, knowing he couldn't do a thing help him bear the pain he was going through. He never felt really close to Jaemin, so the feeling that was building up inside him and made him worry about his brother was pretty unexpected and new... It made him dizzy.

Without really knowing why, he went to his brother's room. The boy only had the pajamas he was wearing with him, so Ten decided to pack some clothes for the younger. He first went through the drawers, picking a few T-shirts, pants and underwear. Fearing that the hospital room might be cold, he went to his closet to get a few hoodies. He was surprised to see it was a mess: clothes were barely holding onto hangers, pillows and blankets were randomly thrown on the floor and half eaten bags of chips were laying around the place. He sat down for a moment and realized that this was the place where Jaemin let all his emotions out. The boy seemed to have such a great life and nothing to worry about. Maybe that's why Ten let himself be so harsh on him: what could a little worrying do in his oh so perfect life?

Suddenly, he saw something shiny underneath a pillow, hiding in a corner. He carefully grabbed it and read the writing on the small rectangle:

2nd place

He clutched the small trophy to his chest while a few quiet sobs escaped his mouth. Without realizing it, he was mouthing:

"I'm sorry,
I'm so sorry MinMin..."
The boy repeated that
sentence over and over.

He woke up the next morning with dried up tears, puffy eyes and a heavy chest that made breathing hard.


He wasn't one to cry easily, but the thought of that moment could still bring tears to his eyes. He had been walking for about an hour now, it was probably 30 after midnight. He looked around and realized he was near the S|E|O building. A few lights were still on, including the main floor. He wiped his eyes, took a big breath and walked towards the door. He pulled on the handle; nothing. He tried again, with a little more force. It didn't work. He could see a woman standing at the front desk, so he knocked on the glass. She looked at him and he pointed the handle, as a way to ask if she could unlock it. She sighed, came to the door and pulled it.

"Next time, try pushing it"
she told him, amused.

"I feel like an idiot now"
he said, with a charming smile.

"May I ask why you're here?
I can probably help you.
My name is HyeJin,
I'm Mr. Seo's secretary."

"Oh yes, of course. My name is...
Ten. Yeah, my name is Ten."

"Ten huh? Interesting."


"So what may I help you with?"

"Oh yeah umm, actually... I
took the bus with Mr.Seo this
morning and he accidentally
dropped his agenda. I came
to give it back."
he said, handing the agenda.

"Thank you very much, it's
very important to him."

She walked back to her desk and gave Ten a piece of paper along with a pen. She told him to write his name and phone number so that John could call him back. A few minutes later, after a quick chat, he waved at the secretary and left.


Next morning, he woke up at nine. With his eyes barely open, he walked down the stairs to eat breakfast. He wasn't really hungry, but his mom always wanted him to eat something in the morning so that he wouldn't faint during the day. Ten was actually pretty thin for his height, even though he always hid his body under layers of clothes. He grabbed an apple and sat at the table, taking his phone out of his pocket. As usual, he had a few notifications from Twitter and Instagram. But today, he also had a missed call and a voicemail from an unknown number. He listened to the message;

"Hello, this is John Seo.
Thank you for bringing me back
my agenda. I have a question
for you, please call me back as
soon as possible."
the voice said.

Ten immediately called back. The phone rang two times before being answered. He heard the soothing voice of the CEO.


"Hello Johnny, this is Ten"
he said with a raspy voice

"Whoa, you just woke up
didn't you? Your voice sounds
so low compared to yesterday..."
he said, giggling.

"I did, actually. I just heard your
voicemail, which is why I'm
calling you now."

"Oh right. I have an offer for you."
Ten noticed the small hesitation in his voice.

"An offer?"

"Yes. You know I've seen you
dance a few times now, and I
think you have an amazing talent.
You also seem to like the clothes
my company designs."
The boy didn't quite understand.

"Yes... What's your offer?"

"I want you to be the face of
my new collection."

Hello everyone
First of all, I hope you liked this chapter ^-^
As you might've realized, I've been gone for a really long amount of time again. I'm sorry about that. These past few months have been a bit hard for me... I had problems with my friends and I struggled with self-harm. I'm better now and I'm seeing a specialist to help with that, so don't worry about me :)
This fanfiction is now at 3,5K reads and I can't believe it. I know I started it almost a year ago but I'm really thankful for everyone who reads it ♡ Thank you all so much, really.
P.S: I know this is an NCT fanfiction, but I'm also an ARMY. I was wondering if any of you planned on going to the Hamilton concert during BTS' World Tour...?

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