The cafe

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Ten fell to the ground, breathing heavily. After a few seconds, he sat up slowly and looked at the CEO. John approached the dancer and handed him the plastic bottle. He quickly grabbed it and got rid of the cap before spraying the water over his face.

"What the hell are you
doing? Wouldn't it be
better to put that in
your mouth?"
John asked

"Indeed. But I'm saving
my mouth for another
Ten winked.

"What do you mean?"

"Nevermind. Thanks for
the water. What are you
doing here?"
Ten asked before pouring the remaining water in his mouth.

"Searching you"   John thought. He sat next to the younger boy and brushed of a few strands of hair off his forehead. He got his jean jacket off his shoulder; the temperature was way higher than yesterday. John turned his head back to Ten and gasped.

"Oh my god get that
hoodie off!"
John yelled

"Wow you're already
trying to get my clothes
off? That was fast."
Ten said, laughing.

"What? No, that's...
That's not what I meant.
It's like, 30°C or
something and you must
be dying under this
much fabric."
The CEO answered.

"Haha I'm kidding don't
be embarrassed. I'm
gonna keep my clothes
on though, this hoodie is
pretty comfortable.
Anyways, you
haven't answered my

"Oh well, I was on my
way to a meeting but I
saw something more
interesting. So too bad
for the meeting."
John said, smirking.


"Oh by the way, I've got
something for you..."

He opened his bag and pushed away some stuff, searching the name tag. He tossed the box holding the round glasses which dropped to the ground. Ten grabbed it and opened it, then put the glasses on.

"You can keep them if
you want to. They have a
malfunction, look on the
left side."

"What? It's barely visible,
I wouldn't call that a
Ten frowned.

"Anyways. Keep them.
They suit you well."


He finally found the name tag, sitting at the bottom of his bag. He was going to grab it when he remembered what he previously wrote on it... he hesitated; maybe it was a bit too fast? He didn't want to scare the dancer, or making him think he was a psycho or something... Plus, he did not even know if the boy was straight or not.

He pushed his stuff back over it.

"I must've forgot it at
home, sorry. Do you
want to go to the cafe?
You should eat, I don't
want you to faint."
John asked.

"Yeah sure."

John got up first to help the younger man get back on his feet. He took his hand and pulled him up. Ten smiled.


They had just started to walk when John felt a hand touching his butt. He gasped and quickly turned to look at the dancer.

"What the-?"
He said, frowning.

"Wow chill man, your
pants got dirty because of
the dust on the boardwalk.
A clothes designer shouldn't
be seen wearing dirty
clothes, should he?"
Ten said, his hands up in the
air as if he got arrested.

he nodded


They sat on cold metal stools, at a table next to the window. A few succulents rested on wooden shelves on the brick wall behind them.

A girl approached the table and smiled.

"Welcome to our
cafe. Are you ready
to order yet?"
She took a note pad and a pen.

"Yes. I'll take the
frappe number 7
John said

Ten looked at the menu to find what John had ordered;
Sweet surprise [$10,95]
A chocolate iced frappe, topped with homemade whipped cream and chocolate sirup. Find out a delicious cherry surprise sitting at the bottom of your glass.

That sounded delicious.

"And what can I
get you, young boy?"
The girl asked

John saw Ten take his bag and look inside. He took out his wallet and opened it, then frowned. He cleared his throat and looked back at the girl.

"Um, just a glass
of lemonade plea-"

"Please bring two
straws, we'll share it."
John said, cutting him off

Ten looked at him, his eyes wide open. John just smiled.


"I have to go...
I'm gonna miss
my bus."

The young CEO nodded and got up. Ten followed him, and they silently walked out.

"Oh by the way,
here's the money
for the frappe."
Ten said, handing him money

"You can keep it.
You're worth more
than $5,45 anyway."
He pushed back his hand.

"Well thanks Mr.Seo."

"Call me John... Johnny.
Call me Johnny."

"Okay then. I had
a great time with
you, Johnny."
Ten said before walking away.

Johnny waved at him. He looked at the dancer until he safely got in the bus. He liked to spend time with him today. He liked the way he ran his fingers through his hair. He liked the way his eyes squinted when he smiled.

He liked the way his heart beat faster when he was around.

Author's note:
Hey guys!
I'm not officially back but we're staying at a hotel so I have wifi. Anyways,
1- This chapter has a LOT of conversation and I'm not too sure if I like it, do you?
2- I made a "book" of everything that happened through my road trip, would you be interested in reading it?

Thank you so much for 378 views, it means a lot!❤

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