The elevator

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The younger stayed silent. What the heck just happened, he thought. He wanted him to be the face of his new collection? He wasn't sure of what it would exactly involve, but it sure would bring him more popularity and money. Not to mention that he would surely meet Johnny more often...

"May I ask, what would
this whole thing involve?"
he asked.

"I knew you'd be interested.
Meet me at 10:45 today, in
my office. I'll make sure to
ask the stylists and makeup
artists to come too so you have
a better idea of what your job
would actually be."

Ten agreed. He yawned and looked at the clock; 10:02. "Fuck!", he whispered. He threw away the apple and ran upstairs. Slamming the bathroom door open, he hurried inside and got rid of his pajamas. He jumped under the shower, washing his hair as fast as he could.


A few minutes later, he grabbed a towel and ran out without drying himself. That's a choice he quickly regretted; the water dripped to his feet and he slipped, hitting his forehead on the door. He rubbed it, feeling a slight pain but no blood was seen. He brushed it off and got to his bedroom to choose an outfit.  After a few minutes, he settled on a black pair of skinny jeans ripped at the knees and a dark green T-shirt. He then chose an assortment of earrings; he had many piercings and knew how to make them look good.

He ran back downstairs and put on a pair of black Vans, as well as a black bomber jacket. He looked at the clock; 10:20. The young man called a taxi which arrived five minutes later. He jumped in.

"To the hospital?"
The driver asked.

"Actually, I need to get to
the S|E|O building. I have
a meeting with the CEO"
Ten answered as he buckled his belt.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, and I need to be
there fast!"
The younger said in a hurry.

The driver nodded and immediately started to drive. He noticed the dancer looking at his reflection on his phone's screen, trying to dry his damp hair.

"Please excuse me, but
you don't really look like
you're going to a meeting
with such an important
person... Shouldn't you
be wearing something
more chic?"
the driver said.

Ten didn't say anything but did kind of regret his choice of clothing. Maybe he should've at least put on a button-up shirt? He shrugged it off, Johnny knew him already and would understand that this was the younger's style. Not to mention that he was designing clothes basically made for this street style. He breathed in and gained back a bit of confidence.


The taxi stopped in front of the S|E|O building at 10:42. The dancer paid the man, telling him to keep the money. He hurried inside; the place was full of men wearing classy suits and women with tight skirts. None of them bothered to help him, so he got to the front desk. Secretary Hyejin was still there.

"Umm, excuse me,
I have a meeti-"

"One moment please"
she said, cutting him off.

Ten looked at his phone; 10:44. He was gonna be late, and that's not the kind of 'first impression' he wanted to give to Johnny. He got an idea, which he probably was going to regret. But he had to be on time.

So he grabbed the phone out of Hyejin's hand, saying;

"Excuse me miss, but I
don't think Mr. Seo would
really like me to be late. As
I saw in his agenda, he's
having a pretty busy da-"

"There you are. I was
wondering if you'd
actually come..."
said a voice that Ten
immediately recognized.

The dancer turned around. A tall man wearing a long black trench coat was looking down at him, smirking. He brushed off a few strands of hair that slipped over his eyes.

"Follow me, the stylist
and the makeup artist are
already waiting for us
in my office. Miss Hyejin,
please excuse our guest's

she answered, not bothering to look.

The designer walked towards the elevator, followed closely by Ten. He found it interesting how everyone was greeting the CEO and then quickly walked away, making it easy for him to get to walk through the crowd. They finally got inside, joining a few other people. Johnny asked one of them to push the 34 button, which made Ten gasp. His office was on the 34th floor?

"Johnny, can I ask
you something?"
he asked.

"Go ahead"

"Why is your office so
high? I mean, it would take
less time to get to it if it
was on a lower level..."

"Yeah you're right.
But at this height, the
view is incredible."
Johnny answer, smirking.


More and more people got on the elevator every time they stopped at a floor. Ten noticed how everyone was trying to give the CEO space, but the place was starting to get a little too crowded... Eventually, both of them ended up in the corner. Ten's body against the wall, Johnny facing him. His hands were pressed on the wall on either sides of the dancer, trying not to get too close to him. He was looking down, but the younger could see the uneasy look on his face. He seemed overwhelmed by the closeness of the bodies, and especially embarrassed by the proximity between him and the dancer.

The elevator came to a stop once again. Some people bumped into each other while trying to get out, which made Johnny lose his balance. His arm bent and his whole body moved forward...

Crashing right into Ten's.

His cheeks flushed to a dark shade of red, he was really embarrassed. Ten giggled a bit, obviously amused by his reaction. Johnny rapidly stepped away as far as he could, rubbing the back of his neck. He didn't say anything, as he was quite overwhelmed by the situation.

Thank you all so much for 6,6k views... This is so incredible, I can't believe it.
Merci beaucoup, je vous adore ♡
P.S: related to my previous chapter's note, I got tickets for the tour! I'm going on September 23rd, to the Hamilton stop.

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