The bus stop

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Like every morning, the alarm he had set on his phone the night before went off at 6am. He shivered as his feet touched the cold floor but got up and immediately went to the bathroom, wearing only boxers. The mirror sent back the reflection of his tall, muscular body. The result of hours spent at the gym.

He got rid of the only clothes he was wearing and adjusted the water temperature, putting his hand under it to check if it was too hot or too cold. He took a quick shower, scrubbing every inch of his body with soap. His hair was unrecognizable with all the foam his shampoo made. Finally, he could wash his hair properly without worrying about the dye coming off, as it went back to its natural color; deep black.

His white shirt contrasted beautifully with his dark hair. He walked to the bus stop, gently playing with the name tag in his leather bag. The young dancer didn't leave his mind since he last saw him... He was really hoping to see him again today.


The bus was full, people were occupying every seat. Others, like our young man, were standing in the alley due to the lack of space. He gasped as the bus stopped for a fifth time, making more and more people get in. Making the proximity more and more unbearable.

A man bumped in him. His hand let go of the name tag he had being holding onto for so long. He got on his knees and looked around to find it. He felt anxious, the look of people on him in such a strange situation was heavy on his shoulders. He finally grabbed the only object relating him to the dancer and got back up. The rapidity of his movements and the sudden change of position made him feel dizzy. His vision became a little blurry and his head started pounding. He untied his tie to let the air pass more freely in his throat and make the blood pump trough his body.


The bus suddenly stopped, making his body fall to the side. A few people sighed when the weight of the tall CEO crushed their bags and shoes, some even pushed him away. He tried to get back up but his arms were still shaky and got him back on the floor.

A guy approached the man laying in the alley. He helped him to at least sit so that he could get less dizzy and get back up safely. He patted his back and got the stuff that fell out off the bag. He took his arm and put him back up on his feet, helping him to stabilize his body. John turned his head toward his "savior" and gasped.

"It was quite a high fall
as I can see... You're
taller than I expected."
the boy said.

"Yeah... Thanks for
helping me. You're that
dancer I saw yesterday
Johnny responded.

The boy laughed and nodded.

"Yes, I'm a street dancer.
You seemed to like my
moves, didn't you?
You can call me Ten."
he answered, smirking.

"Anyway, this is my stop.
It was nice to see you,
Mr. Seo."

Ten walked to the front of the bus and walked down. John looked at him through the window; he was wearing black jeans and another one of his creations, one of last year. It was still one of his favorites which made him smile. He quickly brushed it off as a few people started to give him strange looks, wondering why a man could be smiling at nothing.


He got down of the bus and walked towards his building. Crossing a few streets while getting pushed by strangers that were late for work or just never had time to spend with their family. He was happy to know his job was clearly less stressful than a lot of others, though it meant a lot of pressure from his family.

Finally, the elevator doors opened and he entered his office, throwing his coat on the couch and his bag on his desk. An object got out of it; Ten's name tag. He took it and turned it around with his fingers.

"God damnit!"
he shouted as he threw back the tag on his desk.

He was so distracted by the awkward meeting with the young man that he completely forgot to give him back his name tag. Which had been used properly by the young CEO, as he had written his name and cellphone number on it. Hoping to get a call from that hot dancer.

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