Chapter Seven: Glasses Break

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Hello everyone, man, is it so good to be back to writing things that don't happen to be papers I need to graduate college and be completely useless otherwise. So guys, I made it back to writing for this fic, I'm so excited for you all to learn more about this entity that happens to be in the mindscape. Oh, the song I added has nothing to do with the chapter, I just really really love this song, it's honestly my favorite song ever, there is also a 'dirty' version of it which has a swear word in it, but I thought I'd link the clean version. Quick announcement(s) at the end of the chapter.

TW: mention(s) of minor wound and blood (Logan calls something a gushing blood wound, but it's a minor cut)

Patton awoke with a start, he had been having nightmares; he was terrified. Patton didn't know what to do, he had been having nightmares for weeks and all they ever seemed to do is make everything worse. He could feel his face covered with a sheen of hot, sticky sweat and his heart was beating loudly and quickly.

He ran his fingers through his damp hair trying to keep it out of his face, those dreams were terrifying. It was coming for him, he just knew it, it was going to get him... no, all of them. They were all going to be in trouble.

Patton shut his eyes and began breathing slowly; he began to calm down in small steps and he shakily made his way to the shower attempting to calm down even more. He got into the shower and let the warm water melt away some of the anxiousness from his body. Patton spent upwards of five minutes during his twenty minute shower just feeling the warm water cascading onto his tired, cold skin.

He slowly climbed out of the shower and felt the bitterly cold surroundings snap him out of his warmth induced haze. Today won't go very well, at all.

Patton grabbed his towel and began drying his arms. The warm fluffiness of the towel washed over him as he contemplated his nightmare. The towel smelled of clear mountain air, he buried his face in the towel before he wrapped it around his waist and took up his black-rimmed glasses. He ran his right hand through his wet hair and sighed exasperatedly.

"Patton! We need you right now!"

"Okay, I'll be right there," he chirped with a false face.

Patton took a second to grab his clothes, ready to put them on. "Please, Patton, now."

Patton left his clothes and walked out in his towel, rushing to find Virgil clutching his bloody hand with a broken glass cup that seemed to have been recently broken. Patton instantly felt concern wash over him while he looked over Virgil's injury.


Logan heard the shattering of a glass and Virgil's soft cussing from the kitchen. Logan inferred that Virgil must have injured himself. Logan rushed to the kitchen and all of his knowledge of health and safety were thrown out the window. He was standing in the kitchen with a blank mind and internally freaking out.

"Patton! We need you right now!" Logan called out feeling the anxiousness bubble in his stomach.

"Okay, I'll be right there," he heard Patton's overly bright voice call to Logan. Logan could hear the trouble in his voice, he was unconvinced, but was overly worried about Virgil and his gushing blood wound, okay, well, that was an exaggeration, but he still needed medical attention.

Patton seems to be taking a very long time, I guess I'd better call for Patton again. "Please, Patton, now."

Logan begins taking deep breaths and waiting for Patton's expertise with first aid. He only needed to wait for a few moments before Patton emerged from his room. Logan took a good look at Patton while he walked in. Logan was in for a surprise; Patton walked into the kitchen with damp hair and a towel wrapped around his waist. Logan's cheeks broke out into the giant red patch of a blush.


Patton focused all of his energy into treating Virgil's wound, he even forgot that he wasn't wearing any clothes.

He made quick work of the shallow wound and made sure Virgil went away with a plastic cup full of water and a promise, from Patton, to make tea for the whole group later. Patton reached to grab a dustpan, to clean up the glass, until Logan grabbed his arm and offered to clear it away.

"Thanks, Logan."

"You are most welcome, I suggest you go and get dressed, it is is quite chilly today," Logan nodded flashing his stony face to the blushing mess wearing a towel around his waist.

Patton nodded softly before rushing to his bathroom and grabbing his clothes throwing them on his chilly naked skin. Patton placed his face into his hands and sighed deeply before walking out into the kitchen, just in time, to watch Logan use a slice of bread on the counter where the glass had been.

"Hey, Logan, whatcha doing?" Patton chirped to the other glasses-wearing side.

"Oh, Patton, I happen to be using this slice of bread to pick up small shards of glass."

Patton's eyes widened and he gasped in surprise. "That's really cool, Logan!"

Logan blushed profusely. "Why, thank you, Patton, I had heard of this, Life Hack?" Logan unsurely claimed. "And I thought I should put this knowledge to use."

Patton nodded quickly staring straight ahead lost in thought. "Patton, are you alright?" Logan asked quietly.

Patton felt the anxiety wash over him again and he couldn't bring himself to do anything except shake his head. "No," he breathed softly, "I keep having nightmares, I'm scared."

Logan looked at Patton with sadness and a strange look of slight pity, he walks forward and hugs Patton tightly.

"Awww... tthhatsssss sweettt," a voice came from above the two hugging sides.

Patton's eyes widened, "No, you're nothing, you're not allowed here," Patton whispered too quiet for anyone to hear. Patton just squeezed harder and then let go unsurely.

Patton smiled grimly, "Logan, I'm going to research something, I'll see you later," Patton said slowly and quietly. Logan nodded and Patton gingerly made his way back to his room.

When Patton made it back, he pulled the book out from underneath the corner of his mattress and opened it to the table of contents.

He skimmed through and found a few entries that were similar sounding to what was happening around the mindscape. He opened to the first entry and immediately knew this was the entry he was looking for. He put a bookmark in between the pages and continued reading the entry.

I haven't forgotten about the last 'chapter' thingie and I will still be going through with it. I just honestly got so swept up with my school semester that I felt unable to write anything that wasn't class related, but there will be a fun Q&A book on the side soon hopefully, I intend on working on it over tonight and publishing tomorrow about noon in my timezone. Guys, I just wanted to also let you know that this last semester went very well for me, theatre-wise, I was actually cast in my first musical in about five years, Guys and Dolls. Hope the holidays went well for all of you, whatever you happen to celebrate.

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