c h a p t e r 4

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{behind her eyes}

The sound of the heart rate monitor echoed through the room with the holoforms of ratchet and Ironhide waiting to know what the conditions are. They were both intently watching Blake while she laid on the bed not moving a single muscle in her body.

Ron was looking directly at her face until he noticed part of her eyes were slowly opening. "Hey docbot, might wanna take a look at your patient" he said sarcastically.

"At least I know how to cure people without breaking them." Ratchet said as he started to walk over to his patient. Blake slowly started to wake up looking around slowly until she met the eyes of an unfamiliar looking man who seemed to be around his early 30's with bright blue eyes wearing what seemed to be a doctors outfit. Ratchet looked at her stitched nose which seemed to be getting better already which was uncommon upon the human species. Blake then finally opened her adjusted eyes, and looked at the medic which was looking at her as well when the medic saw something unfamiliar within her eye. Soon to call Ron over, they had to think about the possibility of her discolored eye.

Could it be possible? energon poisoning in her eye..?

Ratchet could not figure out how it happened but he needed a conclusion on getting it out of her body before it could be deadly. Both of them were thinking hard before Ron suddenly came up with why it happened. " God damnit... Blake told me she was going to fix up the truck and help with the dents. She probably hit her head on one of the missing wires or pipeline that was under my truck."

With the grunt of a very pissed off medic, he needed a cure to get energon out of her systems before it was too late. Gathering the potential breakthrough to get Blake to full health, he had Blake on anesthesia before he could work on the energon poisoning that was spreading throughout her body.



Hours and hours had passed with the medic still was looking to find a cure for Blake trying to go as fast as he could because he knew if he didn't find a cure, she was going to die a painful death. Ratchet called Ironhide over for assistance. "Ironhide, I need information about James! haven't I told you to do that for a while now?!? You and your ignorant self just being all self conceived you can't even help his own daughter he's trying to work with!" Ratchet says as he slams his hand on the table which decided to forcefully wake Blake up, which should never happen.

Ratchet and Ironhide just stared at Blake with no words to come out. Her wound was gleaming with a soft blue; just like their life source of energon. "No, this cannot be happening.. Blake was not supposed to be this early." Ratchet said with fear in his voice. Ironhide knew that was his que to talk to James so he ran over to a discreet place in order to get information.

His call to James seemed like forever until he finally answered. "Listen. They said I only had two days to finish this or else i'm through. So just please, please tell Blake that she was my everything. She was the one who always brought a smile to my lips whenever I had to leave for duty. Tell her she was the light that finished this dark hell I was put into. Just tell her everything you've always wanted to tell her. Because I knew it all along Hide. You're the only one that could see her birthmark because it only shows if it's someone she loves or cares about. So treat my baby like she's the only thing in the world who can make you happy. If that doesn't happen she will be crushed and won't ever find her happy ending because you are her happy ending. You two can't be mates right now, she's too young to understand this concept. You have to build your relationship over the years until the time is right, and when it is, you two will both feel it but that's the only information I can give you for now. I will give you the coordinates to my location but you have to finish the project. I have everything in my plan and I expect you to get it done correctly. Now I have to go but meet me promptly at 8:00 am do not screw this up hide because I do know you are a hard-ass and I would have you fuck this up am I clear?"

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