c h a p t e r 10

465 18 7

{a special surprise}

While spending almost a week at the hospital, she was losing hope of ever finding anyone ever again. No one knew where she was, or even if she was alive. Her burns were still hurting her, and her legs still wouldn't budge. She was also nearing her birthday but that wasn't even the slightest thing she could worry about.

Everyday she pondered if she was ever going to find her mom or any of the autobots again. Her life had become a misery and it didn't seem like it was going to get better anytime soon. She slept most of the days away because that's really the only thing she could do besides physical therapy that wasn't helping.

One nurse walked in with a peculiar smile on her face. "Hey Blake, your birthday is tomorrow, right?" Blake nodded in response. "Okay just wanted to know thanks!" She said in a high pitched voice and turned around on her heels and left. Blake rolled her eyes and turned out to face the window. Her blue and brown eyes studied the landscape before her and she wished she could step out and explore all of it.

"...Jazz and bumblebee, and sideswipe, you will go alone. I cannot stress enough about us being found by Megatron's army, or Megatron himself. Good luck to us all." The sound of Optimus' voice boomed through the base while the others transformed and sped off.

Ratchet stayed at base to monitor and make sure everything was going smoothly with their mission. He was never the bot to show any kind of emotion, but Blake held a place in all the bots sparks and had made Ratchet worried. He only wished that she was okay because he didn't know what he would do with himself if she wasn't.

It was nearing night time, and there had been no signs of the Deceptions or Blake. They all had traveled to many places but none of them thought to seek out a hospital. Optimus made him and Ironhide go back to base in case the Deceptions were planning to ambush them at night, and Bee and Jazz had seen absolutely nothing. They all had lost hope which terrified them but they knew they tried their hardest and would try again in a couple of days. When the bots were all accounted for and gathered around silently, they knew something else was off, but couldn't gather in their minds what was wrong, all they could think about was that Blake might have been in the hands of the Deceptions.

Most of the autobots had gone into their berthrooms to recharge but it was taking Ironhide a while to follow after everybody else. It was hurting him that he wasn't the one who could find her and that she could be lost somewhere or even worse, taken by the Decepticons. He wished that he could've stayed with Blake the day she was taken to get her out of whatever she's in right now but it didn't happen and now they can't find her.

The roaring of his engine was starting to fade after driving around for so long. But he was determined to find her and get her back to everybody. He pulled into the parking lot, and decided it would be best for him to sleep here for the night and get a head start in the morning. He felt very under appreciated for his contributions, and he was going to make sure he was noticed this time by bringing Blake back.

As the early sun started to rise, the holoform of this determined mech strode into the building.

"Is there a Blake Nori here?" He asked the front desk lady who seemed to have been eyeballing him since he had first entered. "Umm I-I don't know let me check." Fumbling with the papers, she looked at the log of people who have recently entered and scanned over it. "I do believe we have a Blake Nori, but we can only allow family members in with her at the moment." The lady said while eyeballing him again.

He stopped and silently thanked himself for seeking out a hospital."I'm uh I'm her brother.... Shaun..."

"Second floor, room 217." "Shaun" nodded and took off to where the lady had told him to go. He was frantically looking around trying to find the room number he was given before finding it and opening the door. He had found Blake but she seemed to have been sleeping. He looked over at her and sat down on the chair next to her, and looked at all of the cords feeding into her body which gave him chills down his spine. He could not believe that he had found her, yet he knew that since she was hooked up to all of this, she wouldn't be leaving anytime soon. A nurse walked into the room and "pretended" to tend to Blake but in reality, the lady at the front desk told her to check out "another patient" that was in Blake's room.

"Oh hey, I didn't know anyone was supposed to be in this room, I'm just checking to see how she's doing." The nurse said with a very flirty tone of voice as she pretended to drop her pen which lead her to not bending her knees like a normal person would, but instead bending over right where Shaun was facing.

Shaun was sitting in the chair dumbfounded by her actions and didn't do anything, well because he is a robot and didn't really know the nurse was flirting with him at all. When she was done with her little "scene" and saw that he did not show any interest of any sort, she huffed and quickly left the room.

"Wha- I thought she was supposed to check on her?" He was confused. He thought that the nurse was supposed to check on how she's doing? Not accidentally drop a pen and leave? He was beginning to get bored and looked at all of the cords wrapped around the bed leading to her body. He had counted them, and counted all of the tiles on the floor, and counted basically everything that was in the room before Blake had woken up. She was very groggy looking and she looked very skinny. She did not look like her normal self at all and that's what scared him.

It scared her to see a man sitting next to her not knowing who it was "who are you?" She questioned looking rather worried.

He came closer to her and whispered in her ear, "it's me, Sideswipe. All of the autobots are worried about you and I'm the only smart one to look in a hospital sooo, boom. I'm here"

"Sidesw!" She almost yelled before he shushed her. "No, I'm Shaun. I can't have any suspicion of my real name being said around here." She bit her lip before spewing out anything else. She hadn't seen anyone in forever and she was glad that she could have someone to talk to, not just some random doctors.

"How is everyone back at base? I feel like I haven't seen them in forever."

"Well, that's because it has been forever. You've been gone for like 2 weeks! The bots have been going out in groups trying to find you, but I was the smart one and went here." He said gesturing to himself. Both Shaun and Blake heard loud footsteps that kept getting louder until it was at her door.

She had totally forgot. It was her birthday.

Doctors and nurses who have been helping out with Blake since the day she came in, were scattered around her room with flowers and cards. Some were decorating her room with the flowers and cards and others were standing by wishing her a happy 18th birthday. One nurse who had helped her out a ton, handed her over a card that read 'can't wait to see you on your birthday!'


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