c h a p t e r 7

577 22 3

{getting to know you}

"Oh my god.." Blake said in awe as they pulled into the hangar. She had never seen anything like this in her life. Standing in front of her were giant metal aliens with so many details everywhere on their bodies it looked so unreal. To the right of her, Ironhide transformed into his massive bi-pedal mode to meet with his autobot friends.

One bot in particular seemed familiar and it was bothering her that she couldn't seem to figure out why or who it was. She just couldn't get her mind off of it. She walked over to the massive bot and stood on the railing taking in everything that was happening. Before she could speak, two, very short twins came up to talk.

"Ayo, what's with yo weird lookin eye girl? Why is one of em colored and the other one ain't?" One of them said. "Yeah, that looks pretty weird, almost makes it look like yo one of us!" The other one chimed in. The autobot who looked very familiar to her finally spoke.

"Why don't you twins go terrorize someone besides our new guest huh?" He said while flicking both of their heads before they ran away to go terrorize some of the humans.

"Oh my god" Blake said. "It's you! Ratchet! I knew it was you!"

"You say oh my god a lot," Ratchet said. "But it's nice to see you again Blake"

Blake merely laughed it off as she strode off to take in what was happening at this moment. She saw one bot that she hasn't met before, well, she really hasn't met any of them before not formally at least. For her, this was an amazing sight to see. To see metal aliens, or autobots, interacting with each other just as humans would do.

Ironhide walked up to her and asked how she was doing, taking in all of it and meeting his fellow autobot friends. "I'm doing good, I met Ratchet finally, he seemed familiar when I walked in but I didn't know who he was until he spoke with me. I met the two twins but I didn't get their names yet." Ironhide rolled his eyes. "Ugh those twins- never go near them or even make eye contact. They just make me want to rip their scrawny heads off..." he muttered under his breath.

Eventually through the day Blake had met most of the autobots. Jazz seemed like a fun bot to her, she knew she was going to like him a lot once she got to know him better. Sideswipe kept to himself a little bit, but he formally introduced himself before setting off into another area in the base, Bumblebee was also a favorite although she didn't know what he was saying to her, she just nodded and laughed every so often.

Most bots in the base were very inviting to Blake and it seemed as though they accepted her right away. She took note that Optimus was not here to say hello to Blake, although she knew that he was the leader of the autobots and that he had a very hard job of keeping these autobots in line- especially the twins. Blake overall had a fun day meeting with everybody but she knew that the fun had to come to an end, because she had to go home and be with her mother.

"Hey Ironhide" Blake said as she tapped his foot to get his attention. He looked down at her to see what she was trying to ask. "I probably need to head home soon, my mom is going to wonder where I've been since I've been at the base mostly all day." She finished. "Don't worry your mother said she was going to be busy for the rest of the day. You're going to be sleeping in the base where your room was when you recovered." She nodded in response and hopped back onto the railing to get to their height without breaking her neck to see them.

The night was slowly coming to an end when each autobot resigned to their rooms to recharge. It was only Ironhide and her, until Optimus came around the corner from the other side of base.

"My deepest apologies Blake, for I did not know that my meeting was going to be that long. Did you meet the autobots?" He questioned.

" You do not need to worry Optimus, I know that you are very busy with your work and keeping these guys in line" she said obviously pointing to Ironhide with a smirk on her face. He gave her a glare before continuing what she was saying. And yes, I did meet the autobots, all of them were really fun to be around" she said with a smile

"That is good. I'm glad they treated you with respect. Now, if you two don't mind I have had a very busy day today and would like to recharge before anything else happens with those twins." He said before bidding goodnight to Ironhide and Blake, and walking to his room.

A couple hours had passed and Blake and Ironhide had been talking the whole time. Mostly about the war, and how cybertron was destroyed because of it. Blake had been dangling her feet off of the railing swaying her feet. Talking about Ironhide stories was very exciting for her, knowing she definitely did not have such amazing experiences as he has had. "What happened to your eye? I'm just now noticing it now that we're the same height." She said examining it. "Well, in a fight between Megaton and Optimus, Megatron had the upper hand and was gonna go in for the kill on Optimus, but I stopped my fight and ran over to their fight which led to him almost slicing my optic in half. It was pretty gruesome if you tell me. Couldn't see out of my optic for a week." He chuckled.

"Hey!" She said. "We're matching with our eyes! Mine is on the right and yours is too!" She laughed. Ironhide seemed to totally forget about that whole incident and kept apologizing over and over "Ironhide it is totally okay I'm fine and that's all that matters! It's just a little scratch and I'm all healed now." She smiled at him hopefully to get his mind off of hurting her. He finally accepted the fact that she was okay and healed great with the help of their medical officer and friend, Ratchet.

"I think it's time for us to go to bed." She said looking down at her phone. "It's 1:43 am I'm getting a little sleepy." Blake hopped down from the railing and was surprised when she felt something metal slip from under her. "Woah Hide, what are you doing?" She questioned to him as she felt his hand slip from under her feet to be placed onto his shoulder. "Helping you out. Can I not do that?" He said with his gruff voice. "Oh no you can I was just surprised when you did it, that's all"

Ironhide had taken Blake off of his shoulder as she slipped into her room. "Thank you for tonight Hide I appreciated us talking"

"You're welcome. Sleep well I'll see you in the morning" He said as he walked off with a barely visible smile on his lips.

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