c h a p t e r 5

678 21 2


I woke up in a bed not familiar to me, but apparently familiar to the ones outside of my room. The room was about as big as mine at home, but was clutter-free as if it was expecting someone to stay in it for a while. There was a note on the wall beside the desk saying "Blake, there are extra clothes for you at the bottom of your bed. Put them on and please do not leave your room until I come in and check up on you" - Ratchet

I left the note on the desk as I started putting on my clothes. As I started carefully and slowly putting on my shirt which was half on my head half on my arms, Ratchet opened the door with his clipboard in hand and looks up at me and politely asks how I am doing. "Ratchet! I'm half naked! Can't you see I'm putting on clothes?" I say in shock when he asks me how I was doing. " Yes I can obviously see that so let me look how you are healing." As I was finally done putting on my shirt, Ratchet comes up and examines my head. "I feel fine, I don't know why this is such a big deal it's just a little scratch." I say gruffly, definitely not wanting to be checked up on every minute. Ratchet rolled his eyes. "Oh it is a big deal and I will check up on you whenever I want to missy, or else you're gonna die. So I expect you to listen to me and not fuss or this will not be a fun experience for you or me so I suggest you get some rest before I check in on you in a couple of hours. Got it?"

I nodded my head and sat back down on my bed.

"Are you sure this will work Optimus? What if he hasn't finished the project and we're left with nothing to work with?" Ironhide doubtfully stated.

"Ironhide, I believe in James and his capability to accomplish this task that was given to him. If not, then we will finish it ourselves." The discussion was left at that as Ratchet walked over to the two mechs finalizing their plan to get to Iraq without any complications.

The plan was to ground bridge over to Iraq, grab the plans and anything that will help them aide their succession, and hopefully bring back James unharmed. But, without knowing if James was alive or not was going to be very hard on both the autobots and Blake. But they all knew that he saved many lives with this project and he was not going down as just a random guy; he was a hero. Optimus and Ironhide readied up for their excursion and headed into the ground bridge.

Without any complications, the two mechs successfully entered and scavenged for places where James could've hid his work. After a couple of hours of trying to find it, they finally found the thing they were exactly looking for; his plan. The Prime and his lieutenant stared in disbelief at one piece of paper that was supposedly the key to making something unbelievable. Not one sign or clue to James being here, men started gathering around the robots standing before them screaming at each other with guns in hand aiming right at the bots. Not being able to understand what they are saying, they started firing at the robots deeming them as a threat as Optimus and Ironhide run to cover calling Ratchet in for a ground bridge. "Prime the communication system is damaged, must've got shot."

Assuming that Ironhide and Prime were still scavenging, Ratchet walked back into Blake's room to check up on her. "Blake it's time for another check up." He said. He walked over to a sleeping Blake on her side when she groggily opened her eyes squinting them while she adjusted to the light. Ratchets holoform was terrified as the look of the girls eye when she looked at him. "Oh dear." He stepped forward looking into her eye "Blake do you.. feel any different than you were a couple of hours ago?" "Yeah I actually do, I feel way better and I feel energized." Ratchet just stared in awe as Blake stared back at him. He took her into another room to take a closer look at her eye until his com link started breaking up "Prime, Ironhide, are you guys okay?" "...we.... ground..imme..." and cut off immediately after. "What was that all about?" Blake asked confused. Ratchet waved her off as he ran to the ground bridge trying to figure out what was going on.

Blake being her curious self, she followed the medic to the station and saw him trying to figure out what was wrong and why they couldn't get ahold of them. "You need to redirect the router from this computer, to their receptors not their location once we know where they are, then we can get to them." Blake said while walking up by ratchets computer.

"Wha- how did you know that?" Ratchet asked dumbfounded. "Common sense Ratchet now try it." Sure enough, the ground bridge opened up exactly where Prime and Ironhide were. They walked through the bridge not knowing that Blake would be seeing them in their alien-metal form.

Blake stood for a couple of seconds before only getting out -"What the fu-"

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