The test.

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Ok sorry guys, I'm kinda at a road blcok in my writing. I'm now working on two x readers and a original anime work by me. I sincerely apologise for not updateing as much as I should.

Yas. I did draw the above picture.
This will be the final chapter that ed won't really be in. I promise

I also have been trying to write my new book, which will be a original anime that I made. So please bear with me. Thank you.


Present time.  You are about to take the test.

Y-.... Ok... Uh... Remeber... Equalitive exchange... Alchemy stuff..

Soilder- Y/n l/n? Its your turn

Your POV: 

I walked into the gym... I looked up at the stands to find fürher king Bradley, hughes, and Roy.

You looked across the room to see your 'enemy'

He was a short kid. About 4'11 from your measurements, blonde hair in a braid down his back with his bangs coning out. He wore a pare of black leggings, black combat boots, a black tank top, and a black tunic(is that what you'd call it?) He also wore a red jacket going down to his knees.

You knew this boy. But couldn't remember how....

Bradley- Miss Y/n l/n, this is Edward elric,the fullmetal alchemist, fullmetal, this is y/n l/n.

You stopped dead when you heard the name.

Edward? The edward elric, the one from when I was 5? My old childhood crush?

Ed- hey y/n,

He shot you one of his signature smirks

Ed- long time no see huh?

He did the 2 finger gun thing with his smirk.

You face became red as Rudolph's nose. (Hey, its Christmas?)

Y-oh... Uh hi ed.....

*time skip cause im lazy and have a really bad cough .... *

Bradley- Congratulations, miss l/n! You are now a state certified alchemist!

You stood in shock until ed came up behind you.

Ed- hey! Good fight y/n.. I didn't know you could fight like that..

Suddenly you both were attacked by a emo and a little girl




everyone in the room sweat dropped.

Ed looked at you. When you noticed him staring he mumbled something that was barley audible.

Ed- y/n... -------------

y-what ed?

Ed-nothing! Come on. I'll show you where mustangs office is,

Y-oh no need. But u can come,

Edward stared at you. Since you loved alchemy so much, and fire was interesting to you, hughes had always brought you 3 times a week to work with him, when he was working you'd sit with mustang, forcing him to teach you fire alchemy, or making him do his paperwork.

Ed-u know where it is?


You popped the p and started to walk off. When you got to be half way down the hall, you felt something metal brush against your hand.
When you turned around, ed was there, reaching towards your hand.


You stared at him for a minute before grasping the hand in yours.

His golden eyes stared at you, he looked like a little puppy he was in so much shock

Y-heh... Ed your... Face,..... Its looks like a tomato...

By now you had pulled him down to mustangs office.

When you opened the door you pulled ed inside and slammed him onto the couch in the office. (Not what u thinking )

Roy- y/n? How'd..... Nevermind....

He gave you a confused looks before it turned into a smirk.

roy- so fullmetal... does hughes know your little secret yet???

ed- UH WHAT SECRET THERE IS NO.....secret...... i told u that in confidence colonel! no wonder riza hasnt hooked up with you yet.

Roy- shut the hell up fullmetal.
your pov:

i turned to the desk and noticed a paper with my name on it.

"so my name is gonna be crimson blood? (you guys get the honor of my name!!!YEEE)(also I promise I'm not shelling from a writer named smolbeanjenna. I had this name 3 years ago when I started to watch FMA.. But she gets credit cause she used it! I just really love the name, and turns out we think the same.)

roy- yes that was the plan.... here is your watch anyways...

you took the heavy object in your hands. it looked like eds, just not sealed shut. it was brand new. the chain wasn't messed up like eds. it didn't have blood like eds... it was the complete oppisite of eds.

"i love it..."

_-$+%;$+$ f

So my computer is stupid. And I had to rewrite. This. I'm sorry. I will still make a Christmas and new years chapter, even tho its late. I'll make up I promise. I am back in school, but in sick today and not allowed on my computer, so I'll update with my phone, so any typos I blame on the phone.

*REOPEN AND RUNNING* I'll Be Your Elric Forever. (Edward x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now