why are you here

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Charlotte's P.O.V

"Who is this Charlotte..." I heard for henry ask

I turned and saw a confused henry. Henry has seen my dad before but we were like 7 at the time, then my mom left him like two months after that, then my dad shot someone and said it was self defense so they shorten his sentence.

"Henry you probably don't remember him but this is my dad." My voice was cracking of fear

In Henry's face you could see all the different emotions he was felling like sadness and anger. He also had this murderous look on his face.

"Umm daddy if you don't mind me asking why are you here?"

His showed of anger but he didn't do anything.

"I can't come and see my baby who hasn't taking time out her day come and visit me." He said with anger and disappointment laced in his voice.

As my dad and I were talking i didn't notice Henry go back inside the house, grave his phone and call my mom and tell her that my dad was here.

As my dad and I were talking i didn't notice Henry go back inside the house, grave his phone and call my mom and tell her that my dad was here

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This is my mom, people say she looks like the actress Halle Berry but I don't see it.

2 minutes later I see my mom speeding down the street and pulled up into the parking lot and rushed out of the car and jogged up, not ran because she didn't want to make it seem like she was mad. When she stopped in front of me and looked me in the eyes as if asking if I were ok. I nodded and she looked at dad with so much hatred.

"Why are you here D, your not supposed to be here and you know that." My mom said calmly trying not to show her anger.

"I came to see my girls. That reminds me where is my baby girl Krystal."

"At home she probably wouldn't want to see you anyway."

"I'll see her eventually, I just came to let you both know that I'm back and I'll be sticking over for a bit."

Before he went to jail my mom had place a restraining order on him to keep him away from us as much as possible, and it's still active, he's not supposed to be this close to my mom, me and especially krystal.

Krystal had nightmare about him, and  panic attacks, upuntill her and Jason started dating, I guess he was the comfort she needed

With that he left.

My came closer to me.and check me to make sure I was ok.

"We have to make sure he stays away from Krystal, she'll end up have a panic attack and she's been doing good on not having them. I wouldn't even tell her that he's out, it will just freak her out" My mom said.

"Isn't it just amazing that right after the fact that I have a nightmare about him he shows up a few hours later, how great." I stated sarcastically

After like 15 minutes my mom ledtwd because she had to get back to work.

I don't know how imma keep this away from Krystal.

I let out a breath and go back inside to order that pizza.

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