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author's note —
please don't be immature and rude about kaden being uncut. making fun of someone's gential — regardless of the fact he's fictional — is mean and unnecessary. would you want someone to make fun of your body? or make fun of a character's body that's similar to your own? consider that before you comment, y'know. common courtesy and all.

also, because this was written by my sixteen year old self, i completely forgot it's definitely possible to contract STDs via oral sex. i don't think anyone should use smut — especially my writing — as a reference for having real life sexual encounters. but to do my due diligence, i am obligated to say: don't have oral sex with someone without a condom if you don't trust them, you can very much contract something. don't do it with bareback sex either (a condom is used in this scene but due diligence and all).

this chapter is mostly unnecessary to read relative to the overall plot but i'm an erotica writer. what can i say? just can't help myself.

(first draft, unedited, 2016-18)

Hia hand smoothed down my thigh in a clean motion, furthering underneath my dress until he found his prize. The palm, warm and strong, covered my panty-clad sex completely, middle finger briefly tracing a line down the center before falling back to press three unanimous fingers on my cl!t.

Pleasure slammed through me immediately, and I jerked on contact, a shiver sliding down my spine. The word 'f*ck' fell off my lips soundlessly, audible mewls following it.

"Aw, look at that," he breathed, "baby's been wet for me all night, haven't you. Soaked and ruined your cute 'lil panties, huh—what's that, lace? Is that why you kept your legs shut so tight during the game? Did it drip down your thighs as you thought about my c*ck, baby?"

His eyes were intense, burning with caged passion, and a fascinated yet taunting tone husking his voice. The hand that once lay dormant on my throat had made its way to my left flank in attempts to keep me controlled.

"Not—not fair." Arousal flushed my face, a sarcastic smile widening my lips as I laughed half-heartedly. "You're a goddamn tease," I finally managed, my voice varying in tone and volume due to his preoccupied fingers.

It brought a pearly white smile to his face, quickly turning mischievous. "We're gonna play a game. I'm gonna see how fast I can make you cum—but, if you do. . ." He tutted in mocking disapproval. "Let's see who has more control over your body, you. . . or me."

The response was nonverbal—hands burying themselves in his thick mane of hair as we kissed once more.

His fingers found a rhythm, working in harsh but dedicated circles. The fingertips of his fore, middle, and ring pushed pointedly on my sensitive button. The initial wetness allowed him to move at a quicker pace than otherwise—said wetness had already coated his fingers as well.  

My head fell back, and it left my neck open to his sinful caress. The combination of soft kisses on my neck and strategic ministrations of his fingers had me quickly realizing that maybe he did have more control over my body than I did.

That warmth, the rising sensations of an undeniable release, was quickly engulfing me and I barely had enough time to try to stop it, or at least try to slow it down. I pulled my hips back, wiggling them purposely to throw his fervent movements off, but it only made him laugh.

"Naughty, naughty." He tsked and took possession of my wrists again, a firm grip in one hand above my head. "Oh no, no, that is cheating." He licked a streak up my neck, and nosed at my cheek gently. "You're gonna come, aren't you, sweet thing? You're so f*cking wet; I bet I could just slide into you right now."

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