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dylan is on birth control — i don't do pregnancy "plot twists" — and her allowing him to not wear a condom/asking him not to is done in order to show the trust that's been exchanged between them. plus, i think reading bareback sex in fiction is better 'cause you can't do it in real life all silly nilly.


It had never occurred to me that it was possible to feel this rush without being coked out, high as hell on whatever, or just generally on some level of substance-induced fucked. With Kaden, I found that he lit a fever inside me, one that rivalled my mania but was far less self destructive.

That fever had been building since we first touched, and being bound by him had it reaching its peak.

Now, he was staring at me with that I'm gonna ruin you look in his eyes, taking in my naked form slowly. His hands were touch-and-go across my skin, a tease against my already sensitive body: his fingers languidly brushing over my inner thighs, encircling where he was needed most before moving on, following the dip of my stomach, then tracing randomly over my tattoos.

He was fucking tease—God, he was a fucking tease.

I was sure my frustration was clear, my hands clenching and unclenching, just as the body did, tensing and slightly jerking as he touched my pressure points. There was a tug at the corner of his lips, letting me know he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Can you believe," — he trailed a single finger down my inner thigh — "I've never properly tasted you?" His eyes flickered to mine, lips stretching into a carnivorous half smile. "But, here's the perfect opportunity to show my skill."

He leaned down, nose to nose, and ghosted his lips over mine. He kept his eyes on me, gauging my reaction as he palmed me with evenly placed pressure. When he felt me, a soft moan arising at the base of my throat, his eyes widened slightly, like he was surprised or something.

"Fuck," he hissed, sinking his fingers deep, "I'd say I need to warm you up, but fucking fuck—you're fucking soaked." His voice was almost a laugh - awed, thrilled, I realized. "God, you really test my fucking restraint. You don't understand how fucking bad I wanna slam myself inside you, so fucking deep it isn't clear where I end and you begin."

My eyes squeezed shut. Heat was pounding between my thighs, and his words sent another worldwind dripping down my thighs. I laughed hoarsely. "You, and that fucking mouth." Was he aware of how silver tongued he was? Did the words just fucking slip from his tongue easily, knowing exactly what to say to drive me utterly insane?

Out of all the wordsmiths I read, he was quickly becoming my favorite.

"Oh, sweetheart, me and my fucking mouth have just gotten started," he promised in a rough voice, eyes wild and ready to deliver.

He began with my breasts, small as they may be, and he paid them the attention they'd be lacking. Both fit in his palms easily, the left receiving him first, mouth closing around a hard peak. The right wasn't lost, as he kneaded roughly, while his teeth raked over the sensitive flesh of my nipple.

It felt so good. I subconsciously pulled against my binds, my back arching in a silent plea, as I moaned. The gauze provided a sort of pressure bordering pain but not quite, the fabric was soft yet restricting.

"I don't know if I've mentioned this," he spoke the words against my skin, "but, you've got the prettiest fucking tits."

After two sloppy kisses to either, he moved down, coming face to face to where I ached, dripped, the most. My legs were propped above his shoulders, one arm snaked around for his hand to hold my hips down. The other went to my breasts, pinching a nipple between the length of his fingers as absentmindedly massaged.

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