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once again, this was originally set in high school as i was in high school when initially writing it. i am an adult and i don't like the idea of writing about sexual situations in high school regardless of the character's being eighteen. so if you read this before, i am reminding you i changed the setting to college. 

*there's like a dialogue mentioning community college and dirty bathrooms--gonna be honest, the community colleges i've visited have been pretty clean but the line was already written so yeah...

(first draft, 2016-18)

The spring semester began.

Unlike my sister, I didn't receive a full scholarship to a prestigious out-of-state college. Not that I applied to any in the first place. My GPA and test scores were average, and I wasn't looking to accrue vast amounts of debt.

Instead, I picked a community college with a veterinarian program. My advisor laid everything out academically. Sixty credits of general education with a concentration in veterinary medicine would get me an associate of science. After that, I would transfer out to another college to finish out another two undergraduate years, and there, I'd earn a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree.

Financially, I decided to pay what I could afford per term. Living at home, having a job and a savings account lined up, that helped during the fall semester. But for this semester, I resigned to part-time attendance. My college had a payment plan option, and I was mildly confident in my ability to maintain the monthly installments.

For a person biologically flawed by dominating impulses and a general instability—in my opinion—I was being quite the pragmatist. It might've not been as ornate as my sister's debut but it worked for me, personally.

First day, I had two classes on-campus: a general studies course and one related to her field of study. The history class started at noon but the professor welcomed early arrivals, per the course website. It was always better to be early than late.

The door was open as I rounded the entryway. I didn't blink at the professor's absence however, I did gawk at the only other person's presence in the classroom: Kaden Knight, seated at the back. His head was cast down, attention on his phone, typing away.

I stood in the door frame, idled by disbelief. My stare prompted his attention, and upon meeting my eyes, a smile graced his lips. No further communication was needed. I shuffled slowly toward him, my binder in clutch, and he watched me every step of the way.

I was suppressing a smile. I wouldn't say I was happy, or bothered by him, apparently, attending my school—it was anticipation, from what I could pinpoint, anticipation at what exactly could transpire between us.

"Are you lost?" the quip fell from my lips instinctually, "you know this is a community college, where the bathrooms are always dirty and the only water we have is," — I paused for dramatic effect, gasping fakely — "tap."

His smile widened, tugging up at one corner, and he leaned forward. "You and that pretty f*cking mouth of yours," he said, with a slow once over, "now, come over here and say it to my face."

That look in his eye made my stomach flip. I gave a half hearted laugh before shaking my head vehemently. "No, thanks. I think I'll sit in the front." I cinched my binder tighter against my chest and returned with a provoking gaze. "Besides, you don't tell me what to do."

"That's cute," he said, mildly amused but with something deadly lurking underneath, "acting like if I told you to get on your knees right now, you wouldn't do exactly that."

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