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4/2/21:  did not have wifi last week, and forgot today was Friday but here ya go.

author's note — author's explanation (sigh) — 7/17/2020
*yes dylan automatically believes what james says: she's incredibly insecure and isolated as a result of her mental illness. yes james could be lying but her initial reaction to believe the nastiest he said — regardless of kaden's seemingly playful behavior — tells you that she's used to being backstabbed and people treating her poorly. so please don't make comments, "what if he's lying..." or "why would she just believe him" or "she should've just asked him!!" what you would do in the situation is vastly different for another person.

(first draft, unedited, 2016-18)

"Dylan," Savannah's poised voice greeted me over the phone, "I'd like to remind you that I'm taking Poppy home next Wednesday, but you'll be coming over this Friday. You're going to puppy proof my house and set up what you need to in order to train her."

Since she picked out a puppy, she visited her every single day. She wasn't as distasteful as our first encounter, and she was easily tolerated. That could've had something to do with during her visits, I was busy with other duties. Nonetheless, she was still insistent that I handle her soon to be adopted pet in her absences—which, I was cool with.

"I'm not a dog trainer, Savannah," I politely informed her. I leaned forward on the park bench as Kit galloped over with a toy in his mouth, and I picked it up and launched it somewhere in the distance. He shot off, along with other dogs, like a bullet after it.

I had dog-walking three times a week, and this was one of those days. There was litter of dogs running and playing in the grass underneath my supervision. Despite it technically being a 'job,' I loved the hell out of it. There was something serene about dogs bouncing around and chasing each other.

The park was particularly desolate this day, and I presumed it had something to do with the impending rain and the time, one o'clock; the elementary and middle school got out at three.

"I can recommend you trainers, though. And, I don't puppy proof houses—you can use a number of apps to find someone who does," I added and scooted back. Kit trotted over and jumped on the bench, he laid down and rested his head on my lap.

"I wasn't asking," Savannah stated blankly.

I rolled my eyes to the sky as I petted my dog absentmindedly. "Listen, you're probably used to getting your way 'cause you're rich and money makes the world revolve around you, but your money doesn't sway me. I don't know if anyone has told you this, but you're kind of rude."

She fell silent, then cleared her throat. "OK, then," she said begrudgingly, "what can I possibly do to convince you to do these jobs for me?"

"Just ask."

It was unbelievable how entitled wealthy people felt. She cleared her throat again, obviously uncomfortable, and spoke again, carefully, "Dylan Dane, I humbly ask for you to puppy proof my house and perhaps train Poppy."

"I can do the puppy proofing," I agreed, amused by the dramatic diction, "but, I'm really not a trainer. Gina, she's the vet at the shelter - Poppy really likes her too - she'd be great at it. I know money isn't anything to you, but she doesn't charge much and she's very sweet but effective with the animals."

She clucked her tongue in thought, silent for a few seconds as she mulled it over, before making a noise of acceptance. "All right, that works for me. You can come over at 12PM, everyone should be cleared from my household, and you can work in peace."

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