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(first draft, unedited, 2016-18)

"Watch my snapchat, right now!" a voice, recognized as J.J., screamed through my phone. I made the mistake of answering an unknown number. There was static and loud noise in the background, sounding between live music and sirens.

I blinked rapidly, pulled my phone away from my ear and stared at the screen. "When did I give you my number?" I asked, ignoring her first statement because it seemed like she was high or drunk—probably both.

"Dylan," she said slowly, "go to my snapchat, watch it, then, Call. Me Back!" With that vague but loudly expressed order, she clicked off.

I stared at my phone, again, confused and somewhat agitated, and incredibly regretful. It was a Saturday night, just half past eleven, and I was busy with nightly activities (activities that included my left hand and certain videos on the incognito side of the web, if you know what I mean).

I was still in a shit mood, and thank God my mother was still gone because I couldn't bear to be around people. I definitely couldn't bare J.J. and her dramatized antics.

Yet, with a reluctant sigh, I shut my laptop and plucked my phone from the nightstand to inudge her mysteriousness. J.J.'s story was the first in the line-up, updated two minutes ago. It was long, beginning sometime at five in the morning [5AM], and I skipped through the majority. I slowed when the timestamps were more recent, and most of her snaps were off her either drinking, smoking, or others doing those things then—


It was hard to make out, and she only caught the tail end of it, but there was fuss, yelling and people staggering. When it cleared, it was crowded around him and someone sprawled on the floor, holding the side of their face. as Kaden towered above them.

In the dim lighting of wherever they were, most likely the living room, he spared a threatening half smile, botched audio providing only, "Go near her again, and you'll fucking regret it." The timbre, as hard as it was to hear, was menacing but still held his signature unbothered edge.

My heart stopped. I watched it at least thirty times before I finally called J.J. back.

"OK, I'm gonna be honest, I thought there was something going on with you and Kaden, but I was like, 'Nah, it's they fucked or they didn't,' and if you had, he wouldn't still be sweet on you," she spoke immediately upon accepting my call. The background noise became progressively quieter, and it sounded as if she were moving.

"And, no offense," she continued breathlessly, "but if he's gonna be sweet on someone, I wouldn't have thought it would be you. I mean, he literally fucks models—not to say you aren't sexy as hell, you are—but I'm friends with one, and she told me she tried to date him, but he totally blew her off, and she's got thousands of dudes foaming at the mouth."

She was speaking faster than normal, and her pitch was octaves higher, only increasing with continued speech. "But, anyway, you must be something 'cause goddamn, that boy beat the living shit out of James! And, that's, like, his best friend!" She laughed maniacally, and I imagined her throwing her head back, with insanity firing her eyes. "I mean - can you hear the ambulances?! I'm gonna piss myself, this is the best party I've ever been to."

"J.J., please just tell me what happened."

"Well, OK, so we're having a blast at Deon's party, and Kaden storms in," she prefaced, "he looks hot as usual, but he's fucking pissed, and I hear him go," — she mimicked that comically deep voice — 'what the fuck did you say to Dylan, and why were you near her in the fucking first place?!"

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