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"Dylan!" a feminine voice hollered down the hallway, voice lowering as footsteps increased. Jessica Johnson slung an arm around me once she reached me. "Why didn't you tell me you were such good friends with Kaden Knight?! I've been trying to get in his clique for months now!"

I was heading out to my car. With my classes just finished, having done nothing except introduce myself to the teachers, I wanted to go home and sleep. Other than what we did at my locker, I hadn't seen him but I saw a glimpse of his schedule and it was a full day, meaning he had lunch and two other classes.

Jessica Johnson, nicknamed J.J., was a prominent figure in the senior class. She was like ninety degree weather—the heat was nice, but at that point, it was too much.

The blonde was the textbook definition of a busybody; she was always caught in something, some sort of drama or conflict. 'Mind your business' were words she simply did not understand. I believed she never had nefarious intentions, but I was still cautious around her.

"What makes you think we're good friends?" I questioned, almost defensively but curious too.
"Uhm, he made Derek nearly piss himself because of you," she said it like I should've known, "his ex-girlfriend told me, they were talking about first period and your name got brought up. I thought you would've heard."

When she saw it rang no bells, she realized she'd have to elaborate. "Derek goes 'Watch out, Dylan's a fucking headcase,' and Kaden stands up—and you know, Derek is short as shit—and he's like, 'Watch your fucking mouth or I'll do it for you." Her voice went comically deep. "And, Derek's punkass starts stuttering and shit, he's like, 'I'm just looking out for you, man, I didn't mean any disrespect.'"
Her impressions were truly an art form, switching between overtly masculine deep and chipmunk cowardice.

She inhaled deeply before continuing, "Kaden s'like 'did I tell you to speak? I could've fucking swore I told you to shut the fuck up, so now I'm tell you to fuck off before I do something you'll regret,' and you Derek, his punkass scampered off like a roach exposed to light." She took another breath. "Then, Kaden tells the whole group, 'I find out any of you talking shit about Dylan, watch what happens.'"

Learning that Kaden was friends with people who knew me—former friends of mine—did unsettle me. The context, though, did made it hard to bite back a smile.

I had been struggling to determine whether Kaden liked me, at least in a friendly sense, or if we were merely highly compatible lovers. I couldn't lie—I was developing feelings for him, and what J.J. hinted it may not be entirely one sided.

She was panting and bent over, with two palms on her knees in the wake of her long, but quickly spoken story. "Oh, fuck." She tried to regulate her breathing. "You know, this happens every time I talk, I always start out slow but end up feeling like I just ran a 5k."

I patted her shoulder sympathetically. "Have a few waters in my car, you want one?"

She stayed bent for a few moments before she straightened. "No, no, I'm good." She shook her head. "But, could you put in a good word for me with Kaden? He's very intimidating and very selective, but he's so goddamn cool! I just wanna, like, breathe his amazing air."

Whatever Kaden and I were, I didn't feel comfortable to go: "Yeah, hey, you should be friends with my friend J.J.!" If I did, I didn't think he would listen to me. (Side note: In the hypothetical situation, I could tell him to, I wouldn't—Kaden was enough of a troublemaker on his own, J.J. would only add to that.)

I smiled, nonetheless. "I don't know. . ." I trailed off. Her hopeful look extracted an unsure, "I'll try though."

That satisfied her, and she clasped her hands together. "Good! I'll see you around!" She grabbed the school entrance's front door, and I turned back on my path to my car. "Wait," she stopped me with her outside voice, "is that a hickey?"

My hand shot to the side of my neck then switched to the other: because I had them all over—and I thought I had them all covered. "No," I lied, "I work up at the shelter, remember? I work with dogs, and things aren't exactly gentle."

She didn't believe me, it was written over her face, but she shrugged, mouthed, "Okay," then retreated back into the school.

I went on. When I approached my car, I noticed a certain person's black camaro and a certain someone stepping out of it. "You gotta be kidding me," I muttered to myself, watching him all the while stand to his full height with a fast food bag in hand.

"Dylan," he addressed, a smile gracing his lips, "sweetheart, I'm glad you're here, I've got something for you." He reached back into his car and plucked something from the passenger seat. Once he had it, he tossed it to me.

I caught it, a medium sized light pink box, and placed my books on the top of my car to inspect it. There was a brand name written in fancy cursive letters—I recognized it, but in that split second couldn't remember where I had seen it. After carefully removing the lid, silk underwear was neatly set in an overlapping row.

That's when I remembered; it was a high end clothing ecommerce brand, with only one store in Paris, and some time in the past, I 'shopped' there. By shopped, I meant I looked at everything on the website, placed what I liked in my shopping car, laughed at the outrageous price before promptly exiting.

The costs were fucking stupid. They had only one pair of underwear going for three hundred dollars [$300.00]. It was a fucking rip off—it would be less to buy the silk myself and have someone else sew it for me!

There were five pairs in the box. My rough price estimation left me jaw slack. I looked up at Kaden, who already took several strides in front of me. "I - Uh, what?"

"Might wanna close that mouth before I put something in it." His eyes sparkled, and I felt his fingers ghosting underneath my thigh. He was so close I smelt his cologne and it smelled so good. "I'm having this tendency to ruin your underwear," he reminded me, a look on his face that said he didn't regret it, "and, a dress."

That was true, but my underwear was bought at Walmart for ten dollars with four in a pack. As for the dress, I bought it at the thrift for five dollars—and, it was a fake designer. I ran my fingertips over the divine fabric. "Kaden," I breathed, "I - I can't accept this. How much was this?!"

"Doesn't matter, sweetheart," he dismissed, with a cocky tilt of his lips. He craned down, and I pushed up on my toes. He kissed me slowly, his tongue ran across the seam of my bottom lip but he didn't deepen it. After we parted, he stayed close, speaking his words against my lips. "I doubt I'll stop ruinin' your underwear as so long as they get in my way."

With my free hand, I fisted his hair at the nape; this time, I initiated the kiss and it was rougher than before. I was getting good at reading him, so I pulled back when things were escalating.

I was breathless. "Well, then, maybe I need to stop wearing them." I wore a cocky smile of my own. I shoved the box back in his hands, and the surprise was enough to push him away enough to slip into my car.

When I peeled out of the parking lot, my heart was racing and blood warmed my face. I couldn't stop my grin, and my mind flooded with thoughts of our next encounter.

x   x   x   x   x

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