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Deena picked me up at 1AM and explained that the activities didn't begin until 3AM. For an hour and a half, we drove out to somewhere bordering California and Nevada. There was a 'road closed' sign up, but she assured me we were in the right place. After five minutes driving along the road, my doubts dissipated with cars and moving bodies came into sight.

Night reigned black, the lack of buildings and car headlights accentuated its darkness but left scattered stars to shine brightly. The road was spread into four lanes, two lanes for each direction. On either side, vehicles parked on rocky gravel that panned out to dead land, stretching far with only desert in the distance.

The location was still, but alive. People gathered in large groups around these four specialized cars, bumpers lined horizontally in each lane.

"Hey." Deena nudged me after clicking her car locked as we walked away from her car and all the others parked beside it. She wore an excited smile. "You're gonna f*ckin' love this sh*t. It's really somethin' to see. I'm kinda surprised you haven't been to one, with your history and all."

I shrugged. "Yeah," I agreed thoughtfully. My heel boots crunched on top of the rocks, the noise turning solid on as I stepped onto the asphalt. I paused to survey what we were heading into.

It was clear these weren't your average car enthusiasts, if Deena calling it 'illegal street racing,' hadn't clued me into that bit. Just by the way people were moving, I could see most were high—there was a smell of weed lingering, but it wasn't that, but something stronger. In addition to that, bets were being placed, wads of green flashing under ornate car lights.

"Definitely seems like my kinda scene," I murmured, "how does this work exactly? There aren't any bleachers to watch the race."

Deena shook her head. "Oh, no. It's more advanced than you'd think. It's pretty cool, actually." She jutted her chin in the direction of a small group gathered on the side, head down and the faint glow of electronic screens providing some light to their features. "Lewis, he can explain it to you. He's the one who invited me out."

As if he heard her, he looked up at our direction. "Aye!" that same someone called out, sounding vaguely like the Fonz, and jogged over. His features cleared with increasing proximity, revealing him to be a tall Asian guy, with friendly eyes and a friendlier grin.

That grin widened in standing a few inches away from us now. "Damn, Deena," he emphasized damn with a long a. He gave a throaty groan and a lustful once over her. "That sexy latina fire is bright tonight, ain't it? You sitting on my face, or what?"

The lewd words had her suppressing a smile, failingly so. She flipped her hair over her shoulder dramatically. "Only in your dreams." I laughed, but it didn't discourage him, grin not faltering whatsoever. She nodded past him. "By the way, this is Dylan. This is her first time to a race; give her the run down, yeah?"

I waved. "Hi."

"Damn." He whistled sharply. "You two sisters or girlfriends? I don't know which one I find hotter."

"Lewis -"

"Goes like this, honey," Lewis began swiftly, "we've set up several cameras down the track, you see 'em—" He gestured to the surveillance cameras perched half up on the light posts "—we create an encrypted website to live stream it, and when the race starts, we give everyone the password and, now, we can all watch even if they're out of eyesview."

The three of us all turned, no longer facing each other but down the road to race and more specifically where the racers gathered. There was a shift in atmosphere, the groupies that once surrounded the cars were off to the side and chatted loudly.

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