Chapter 1: Life As I Know It

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I hate my alarm clock with all of my heart. It keeps blaring beside my head, reminding me, 'yes, you lazy butt, you have to get out of bed eventually'. I groan into my pillow, as I dart a hand out to silence the stupid thing. It only begins again about five minutes later, even louder and more annoyingly. I decide that it will never stop, that the whole reason it exists is to be a royal pain in my ass, or my head I suppose, and so I throw off my warm covers and stare at the ceiling, preparing myself for the day. It's not as if my life was bad or anything; I don't really have anything to "prepare" for. I have two loving parents, an annoying little sister, and an even more annoying older brother. I have a small schnauzer dog named Kade, who I sometimes loved more than my siblings. All in all, while my family may be terribly unconventional, they are also the best family I could ever have. I have an amazing best friend named Eve, and often blend into the crowd at school which means: no bullies. At least I don't think I have bullies. I even completed all of my homework last night, so I don't really have anything to worry about. I just don't want to do...anything.

I reach my arms up to wipe my mouth, after a yawn to find my mouth sticky and gross. As I swipe my face, I frown at the dried spit that I wipe from the corner of my mouth and shiver in disgust. I am an animal. I reach both my hands up to find my waist-length, blonde hair in a huge knot on top of my head, one that would take a good half an hour to brush out, and scrub them down my face, trying to keep my eyes open. Glancing at my enemy, his face reads 7:15 and I sigh. Just enough time for an extra nice, long, hot shower. 

Finally heaving myself out of bed, I open my closet door to pull out a pair of black leggings and a T-shirt, one that was a little too short for my liking, but I placed it in my bundle of clothes anyway. Another yawn escapes me and I swear I look like a rabid animal. Exiting my room, the enticing smell of bacon and toast wafts towards my nose, before being cut off by my closing the bathroom door behind me. I strip out of my warm Batman PJ's and enter the shower, sighing as the water cascades down my body, washing the grit away. Massaging my head with my vanilla and lemon shampoo, I close my eyes and begin to think.

Today was one of the last days before summer break, a day filled with tests and assignments that should have been due weeks ago but were procrastinated on by my teachers. I groan as I remember my Biology exam I have to complete today, one that I had studied hard for last night and yet knew I would barely scrape by with an eighty or even a seventy. Yes, I like to average in the nineties. I have been stressing over this exam for weeks, as Biology is my worst subject, and often called in Eve to help me with my studying. She would often come over to my place to prep, and yet we would only get through about half an hour of it before she became bored and wanted to watch a movie. Hence, my last minute studying last night. Perhaps, that's why I look so bad today. The Biology monster must have crept in my ear last night, intent on killing me from the inside out. Then I remember AP. Language Arts AP. One of the classes I truly enjoyed, and yet sometimes hated. My crush was in this class, so often I would spend most of the class thinking of him and the rest of class thinking of Shakespeare. Me, being extremely shy and introverted, has barely ever spoken to him before and I know he hasn't even paid me any mind, while I've gone crazy over him. His name is Dylan, and he is-

"Hazlynn! You've been in there for like twenty minutes! Hurry up!" I hear the muffled and groggy voice of my older brother outside the bathroom door and jolt back to reality. Scrubbing my body down quickly, and yet slowly so that my brother had to wait longer, I turn the taps off and step out of the shower, towelling myself dry. Pulling on my clothes, I look at my blurry reflection in the mirror and sigh. I forgot my glasses in my bedroom. I quickly brush my teeth to get rid of the gross, morning-breath taste and tie my hair back on top of my head. Grabbing my brush, I grasp my dirty clothes in one hand and manoeuvre myself so that I can open the door. Once I struggle to get it open, I am met with the blurry face of Ashton, my older brother. With beautiful blue eyes and blond hair that matches mine in shade, his body might as well as have been sculpted by God himself to look His muscles basically explode from his black t-shirts and his deep, sea-like eyes can easily suck you in and drown you. That's what Eve says about him at least, the one with a major crush on him. I just think of him as the number one royal pain in my ass on my list of royal pains in my ass. He even beats Mr. Alarm Clock.

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