Chapter 2: Fast and Furious or Transformers?

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School is as boring as ever. And stressful. I had thought that since it was one of the last days before summer, and that it was a Friday, that our teachers would go easy on us. What a mistake I made. It was as if all of them suddenly remembered 'oh yeah! There's more work to be done! And since there are only a few days left next week, we're making it all due Monday!'. I sigh as I pack up my bag within my locker and grab my ten dollar bill. Closing my locker and turning around, I spy a particular couple making out down the hall and roll my eyes. Approaching them, I cross my arms.

"Psst," I say, as I watch Eve's face be eaten off once again by another boy. When they didn't stop, I begin to tap my foot.

"Psst!" I say louder. They still didn't stop. It was a disgusting thing to witness. It was as if they were both carnivores and I was watching them have lunch. But my lunch was in the cafeteria, waiting for me to eat it, and my stomach was not liking the delay. When I couldn't take the waiting anymore, I kick the guy on the back of his leg, hard enough to jolt both him and Eve out of it. They stared into each other's eyes in confusion before Eve looked at me.

"Oh, hey Hazlynn. Didn't notice you there." She now made me grumpy and so I just roll my eyes.

"Of course you didn't because you were much more interested in eating..." I look at the boy who had stepped away from Eve and was leaning against the wall, an arm around her shoulder. "What's your name even?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"Kayden...why do you care?" He grunts, his voice still sounding breathless. I turn back to Eve.

"You were much more interested in eating Kayden's face off than coming with me to stuff mine with some actual food."

"I'm sorry, Haze. We just got a little carried away."

"Oh yeah, a little carried away. A little carried away would mean you making out with him in a private room. This," I make a gesture towards both of them, "is a lot carried away." My arms returned to their crossed position. Eve looks back at Kayden and smiles seductively.

"We'll continue this later?" She asks and he nods, kissing her passionately on the lips again. I huff, grabbing Eve's arm and beginning to drag her away, breaking their kiss.

"Let's go," I snap, leading Eve away. Once I had led her far away from Kayden, who now looked abandoned, she wrenched her arm free from my iron-like grasp.

"Jesus, woman, calm yourself." I turn to look at her incredulously.

"I don't need to calm down! I watched my parents make out in my kitchen this morning, and now you. Perhaps I would rather not watch everyone making out with each other. Give us innocents a break." Eve smiles knowingly.

"You're just jealous."

"What!? Why would I be jealous?" I ask loudly.

"You're jealous that it's not you making out with a certain someone." I frown, trying to think of what she's alluding to.

"A certain someone?" I ask, confused.

"Oh, come on, Haze. I'm talking about Dylan!" At the sound of his name, I automatically feel my face heat up.

"That's impossible. Why would I want that with Dylan?!" I look down at the floor, allowing my long hair to cover my red face.

"Why wouldn't you? You probably imagine doing it every language arts class. Hmmm...what's more interesting? To Kill a Mockingbird or me having a nice long night with Dylan...hmmm..." She pretends to think about it, placing her forefinger on her chin and looking up at the ceiling. My face only becomes hotter and I again grab her arm, dragging her towards the cafeteria.

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