Veintisiete: Hug it Out

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  "Last one in is a little 'female dog'!" Corey announced.

  Everyone ripped off their shoes and socks and sprung into motion. Of course, I was forced to move significantly slower than everyone else, due to the pain bomb that resides in my ribs, that threatens to unleash itself all up in my business, at any sudden movement. But! I will not let that stop me! I moved as quickly as possible without a flare of pain ripping through my senses, and managed to get to the lake second to last! But, only after Joey, unfortunately, tripped over something — that may or may not have looked remarkably similar to my foot — did I accomplish this.

  "Oh, we already knew you were a little 'witch with a B'," Corey mocked with a chuckle.

  "Oh, yeah?" Joey smirked evilly. For a second his gaze landed on me, then shifted to his target. I can imagine that, whatever he's about to do to Corey, would have been coming my way as well, if I wasn't in my current state of crippled-ness.

  He took a few steps back then, with a running start and element of surprise, rammed into hulk jr, pushing him into the water.

  We were only around ankle deep, but it gets deeper and deeper the farther in you go, at a pretty rapid rate. So, now, instead of just his feet, Corey is drenched from head to toe in water that was probably about thigh high.

  To him, anyway. To the rest of us it's probably around our waists.

  I snorted at his misfortune, and Sam laughed along, pointing at Corey with a hand holding her stomach.

  Joey, satisfied with his form of revenge, started casually walking alongside the lake, whistling some tune, until he disappeared behind a huge rock.

  Corey turned to me and Sam with an expression I can only describe as RUN, but, luckily enough, it wasn't directed towards us. "I'm gonna kill that little-"



  Well, more like 'THUD', but there was a splash too.

  Joey had climbed the huge rock he disappeared behind without Corey, or me for that matter, noticing. He jumped off and landed on Corey's broad shoulders. Yet again, forcing him under water.

  The splash that roared outwards because of his cannonball ended up covering me top to bottom in its wetness.


  It left me standing there with my mouth gaping open. I felt a shiver go down my spine, because of the combined wetness and chill from the autumn night. I tried to hug myself to make the evil cold go away!

  "Ha, and that's how you kill two birds with one stone!" Joey cracked up.

  I heard Sam laughing like a crazy person in the background.

  My head whipped in her direction. "H-how in the world d-did you manage to g-get out of the w-way in t-time," My teeth chattered.

  It's freaking cold out here!

  "I saw him climbing up the rock," she laughed hysterically.

  "A-and you didn't th-think to tell me?" I shivered.

  "Hahaha. I thought you knew. It's kinda hard to miss," She said, gesturing to the rock he climbed.

  I sighed. "It is, indeed."

  Sam started cracking up again, but between her laughs, she breathed out, "I'm gonna go give it a try. It looks fun."

  She started off, but then turned to me. "Might wanna back up," She chuckled.

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