Veintiseis: Sneaky Little Sneaks

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  A smirk appeared on Sam's face. "Of course I'm in. Where're we going?"

  Joey shrugged carelessly. "We don't know yet. We're kind of in the middle of nowhere, so we'll just play it by ear."

  Who thought this was a good idea again?

  She looked at him in disbelief and raised a brow. "Don't be stupid. We're not just aimlessly wondering off into the woods."

  Thank you!

  "I saw a lake on the bus ride here. Didn't seem too far away," Corey pitched in.

  "Sounds promising enough," I shrugged with one arm.

  "A lake sounds promising?" Joey asked with a raised eyebrow.

  "More promising than waltzing through a forest with no sense of where to go," I shot back.

Joey looked like he was pondering on it, then he crossed his arms and pouted. "I guess."

  My brows furrowed. "What do you have against going to this lake?"

  He sighed. "Nothing, nothing."

  Our gazes lingered on him a little longer then Sam cut in with a shrug. "Alright then, when are we heading out?"

  "I'm thinking, when all the teachers are in their tents we can meet by the tree line behind the cafeteria, that way, we're out of sight." Corey suggested.

  I nodded. "But when exactly do you think that would be?"

  He narrowed his eyes in thought. "Probably around 9 to 9:30."

  We all nodded in agreement.

  "Then it's settled. Meet by the tree line behind the cafeteria at 9:15. The time is obviously open for adjustments, depending on how long it takes for the adults to hit the hay," I confirmed with everyone.

  They nodded again.

  "Okay then, now that that's all figured out, we should probably get back to the campfire, considering our excuse to leave was that we all needed to go to the bathroom. . . At the same time. . . To help Joey," Sam pointed out.

  "What?" Joey exclaimed.

  We all glanced at each other for a few seconds.

  "I was not aware of that part."

  We ignored Joey, and eventually, even he joined the stare off. I'm thinking, we all probably realized, at the same time, that we aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

  Which is weird because, I'm supposed to be a nerd. At least, according to the pack of imbecilic cave men who think they rule the school.

  Sad thing is. . . They kinda do.

  "Yeah, that's probably a good idea."

  "We should go."

  "Good call."

  Everyone snapped out of their dazes and rushed out of the smelly area behind the bathrooms we were all hiding in.

  "Operation, watery death trap, is a go," Joey announced.

  We all stopped in our tracks and turned to him. Our eyebrows were raised and I'm pretty sure we were all itching for some sort of explanation. Or at least, I was.

  He shrugged. "Haven't you guys heard the legends about this lake?"

  "Um, no. Care to tell us?" Corey pressed.

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