Treintaiseis: Ups, Downs and All Arounds

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  We reached the entrance and the monstrosities of steal and iron are towering high above our heads. I have to crane my neck so far back to see the peak of the one closest to us, It feels like it's going to cramp if I stare up any longer.

  There are butterflies having a dance party in my stomach — something that rarely happens. I haven't ridden a roller in years. I haven't even been to a theme park in forever.

  I know I used to love the thrill of the flips and turns of roller coasters, but I don't know how thrilled my stomach will be if I indulged in one of my favorite pastimes again.

  The injured body parts may be problematic as well.

  . . . Eh, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

We gave the people at the front our weekend passes and were let into the junk food wonderland. Everywhere we look, there are food stands varying from ice cream to funnel cakes.

I looked over to Joey and he is practically drooling at even the sight of all the sodium filled food.

I looked around at all the people surrounding me, and found that Joey wasn't the only one in the group mesmerized by the deliciously fatty foods. My gaze changed direction and landed on a churro stand, and I realized my mouth was a bit watery.

And by "a bit" I mean there is enough water in my mouth to flood this whole amusement park. So I made sure my lips were firmly clamped together.

  After making sure I had swallowed enough of the water so that Niagara Falls wouldn't come pouring out of my mouth once I opened it, I swung around to face the group , "I have to get a churro!"

  I proceeded to sprint(it was more of a lopsided wobble, thanks to the previously mentioned injured body parts) to the food court. Everyone followed, and Joey — that son of a biscuit — managed to hop in line before me. I burned holes into the back of his head until it was my turn to order my cylindrical stick of bread and sugary goodness.

  We went to nearly all the stands after that. I didn't buy something from each one — we visited at least 16 — because, I didn't bring that much cash. Most of the time I was just gawking at the possibilities.


  Although, just because I didn't indulge in all the possibilities, I definitely enjoyed a few.

  Maybe a few too many, in fact. At least, if I want to go on a roller coaster before the end of the night.

"Hey!" Joey suddenly yelled. "We should go on the Fling Master!"

"Dude, it feels like I just ate a horse. If you don't want that all over your face, we definitely shouldn't go on that," Sam argued, holding her stomach.

"Yeah, I don't think that's such a good idea either," I agreed, holding my stomach as well. Although, it wasn't all because of the food, the butterflies are still having a good old time doing gymnastics in my stomach.

I remember the Fling Master. Definitely not a beginner's ride.

"Fine," Joey grunted with a pout. "How about the Ferris weal?"

"I guess that would be alright," Sam shrugged.

Corey shrugged as well. "Whatever."

I gave a small nod.

We got around to the Ferris weal, and the line is HUGE. "Um, guys, can you save my spot? I was going to wait to go to the restroom until we got off, but. . . That doesn't seem like it's going to be happening any time soon," I said.

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