"What has life come to?" Carlos asks after rolling the ball to me again.
It's a tiny soccer ball that we got a long time ago to play with in the pool in Spain. Carlos and I found it in the attic and decided to roll it to each other across the dining table.
"Mom would die if she saw us scratching up her precious table."
The next time he passes it to me, I pick it up and throw it instead, giving him a smile. "Throw it higher."
He throws it high and I header it, making it go straight back to him. I smile proudly and he roles his eyes.
"My technique isn't rusty at all," I flip my hair.
"Your head is so big i'm not surprised you made that clear."
"Your heads bigger than mine, pendejo." I roll the ball to him. "Now, tell me how life's going."
"How's Naomi?"
"Have you told her you love her yet?"
"You ask a lot of questions."
"Just interested in my little bro's life."
"I'm not that interesting."
"Have you slept with her yet?" I blurt out.
He widens his eyes and I look behind him at Alex who's at the bottom of the stairs, laughing.
"Course they've slept together. He's not a nun."
"He's fourteen."
"So what? I have the maturity of a twenty year old," Carlos defends.
"A dónde vas?" I ask Alex as he slips into his sneakers.
"Jace's house."
"I'm coming."
I stand up and grab my shoes. "He's my friend too."
"Was my friend first."
"I wanna see if he's okay," I say then regret it.
Alex squeezes both of my cheeks and pouts. "He's fine," he says in a mocking sad voice.
"Grow up." I open the door and go to Alex's car.
"Easy on the door," he says once I slam his car door. "This isn't a zoo."
"Why would I slam a car door in a zoo?"
"You better not argue with him the whole time we're here. It gives me a headache," he changes the subject.
"No guarantees."
There are no cars in the driveway except Jace's, so I assume he's home alone. Alex walks straight in and I follow him upstairs. It doesn't feel right to just go barging into his room like Alex does. I'm not one of the guys and... he could be naked or something.
Jace's room is in darkness and he's lying in bed face down.
"Get up," Alex demands.
"I'd rather die than do that," Jace mumbles back into his pillow.

The Fuentes Family: Yasmin
Jugendliteratur{Book two of the Fuentes Family series.} "You like to sleep around," he shrugs. "I figured you'd have jumped at the offer to show your tits for money." I step towards him, my eyes boring into his. "Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in...