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"You look amazing, Amelia," I squeal, looking at her beautiful silver prom dress. "You're gonna be the hottest person there."

"Yeah, lookin' sexy," Val comments.  

"Awe, thank you guys."

"Amelia, come over!" Mom says while Santiago takes pictures of her and Alex. She's way too excited about this.

She takes the phone out of Santiago's hands and starts taking pictures of Alex and Amelia. Santiago sits on the sofa to get out of her way.

"Okay, Mom, I think you've got enough photos," Alex complains, standing with his arm around Amelia and looking like they could be on the cover of Vogue.

"I say we open the champagne," Val says and takes it from the table and pops it open. I immediately feel uneasy. Some alcohol would be great right now, like all my problems would be solved for the night... or they'd end up worse if I go down the emotional drunk route. It's always a gamble.

My throat feels like it's literally burning to have a taste of it while I watch Val pour the alcohol into glasses.

I make a quick decision to pick up one of the glasses and Valentino puts his hand out to stop me. "Woah, you mastered self control?"

"I guess we'll find out." I pour the champagne into my mouth close my eyes, enjoying the burn as it slips down my throat. Fuck, I missed alcohol.

Without thinking, I quickly drink the rest that's in my glass and sit it down, immediately wanting more.

"Refill?" Val asks, eyebrows raised.

"There is nothing I want more than to get drunk tonight."

"That's not a good sign."

"I deserve to drink, right? Just this once."

He just gives me and look and I know myself I shouldn't. The fact I want to grab that bottle out of his hand is enough of a warning sign. Ugh. I hate myself for being this weak. Why can't I just casually drink like a normal person?

"Yasmin, Val, come get a picture with Alex and Amelia," Mom calls over while still looking at her phone. I don't respond as I stare at the glasses of champagne, too busy focusing on the war going on in my head and trying to stop myself from picking up another glass. "Yasmin? Did you hear me?"

Out of the corner of my eye I see her look at me and stop taking photos. "You better not be thinking about drinking," she says harshly.

I meet Val's eyes then look at Mom. "No, um... I can't get in pictures right now. Look at me." I gesture down to my hoodie and pyjama shorts that I haven't changed out of since getting up this morning. It was one of those days.

"Yes you can. Valentino, Santiago, come here," she orders and Val puts the bottle down hesitantly before walking over. I don't move.

I wish everyone would fuck off. I wish they'd all disappear from the room and let me do what I need to do. I just want one more glass. Maybe two – I don't know. Probably more. Fuck. Fuck my fucking life.

God, I thought I was past this. But things have been difficult recently. I deserve it. It'll help.

No. Shut up.

Fuck everyone else, it's your life.

That's true.

Selfish bitch. Don't even give a shit about what it'll put them through? They don't need to deal with your problems right now.

"Yasmin?" Mom shouts.

"What?" I yell back. It's only then I notice my racing heart, and the sweat dripping down my face.

The Fuentes Family: YasminWhere stories live. Discover now