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"Mamá, we really don't need a big party," Max tells our over excited Mother as we sit in the living room trying to talk her out of her plans for our birthday. 

"Yeah, it'll cost so much money for unnecessary things."

"Stop talking about money, it's fine!" Mom says. "You both have always loved celebrating your birthday, so I want this year to be just as special."

"That was before Dad went to prison," I blurt out with. And before I became sober. "I'd rather just be with family this year."

"Yeah, me too. And I don't want Yasmin to be uncomfortable."

"Qué? Don't say you don't want a party on my account. If you want one then it's cool."

"No I don't care, I go to enough parties to be sick of them by now."

"It's different when it's your own birthday celebration," Mom says and I know she's right. Max and I have always loved partying with our friends on our birthday more than our other siblings like to, and Mom enjoys making them special for us because it's really the only thing she can do for us because she works all the time.

It's just difficult now, with Max and I's friendship group being torn apart because of Wesley, and me being sober. And the fact that our Dad won't be there to dance with us.

"Why don't we just do something small here?" I suggest, not wanting Max to give up a party because of me. "Except we can be in charge of the guest list instead of Val inviting random people."

"Are you sure? Won't you struggle with all the alcohol?"

"No, I um... I have Jace now."

I blush when Mom tells me how adorable we are together and Max teases me.

"Just tell your friends not to drink. You underage teenagers can have fun without alcohol anyway." Mom stands up and picks up her handbag from the dining table.

"Yeah, sure Mom," Max snorts.

"This is so exciting! I'm going to go get some things and take Marco to his friends house." Mom shouts Marco and they leave the house while Max and I sit and discuss who we want to invite.

Val gets home from soccer practise ten minutes later and immediately asks us if we want to go eat with him, which we obviously agree to.

"Aren't you gonna get changed first?" I ask, looking down at his scruffy blue uniform.

"No, dude I'm starving. Do I smell?" He lifts his arm and I let Max do the sniffing while I hold my nose.

"Nah, you're good," he tells Val and we walk to Max's car.

"Not inviting Jace?" Max asks with a smirk as he drives.

"He's working." I wish he wasn't. It's annoying that I miss him even though I've been seeing him everyday. Life feels too good to be true right now with Jace and we haven't even argued once which is unlike us.

"Y'all banged yet?" Val asks bluntly and Max gags.

"Guys, c'mon," Max groans. "I know you both love to talk about sex with each other, but I'd rather not hear about it."

"Chill out, we haven't done it yet. We're taking things slow."

"That's gross," Val says.

"It's a good thing." It's not that the sexual tension hasn't been almost painful between us and every time we're together I want to drag him to the bedroom, but I'm still scared to go all the way. I mean, what if he ditches me the next day again? The thought makes me feel sick.

The Fuentes Family: YasminWhere stories live. Discover now