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"Ignore it," Wes says, his heavy breath making the skin on my shoulder tingle.

My phone keeps getting notifications from people who desperately want me to go to my house for our party. However, Wes and I had other plans as we're naked in his bed right now.

I try to ignore it as it keeps ringing, and start to kiss Wes and he moves in and out of me and eventually we both finish. As soon as i've caught my breath and my pounding heart slows down, I grab my phone from the floor.

Brooke has texted me five times and left three missed calls, and Val and Santiago and a random guy I've spoke to a couple of times also called.

"We should go for a while," Wes says.

"The alcohol will be so tempting, and there's no point in being at a party if you're not gonna get drunk."

"It'll still be fun. We can watch people embarrass themselves and remember the times it was you."

"Shut up," I laugh and turn onto my side, laying my head on Wesley's shoulder. "It'll be really hard."

"You can handle it, and I won't let you drink if you try to."

I smile, "Okay."

By the time we arrive at my house, the party is crazy and everyone's already drunk. I'm already worrying about people going into my room for a quiet place to get busy.

"So, I've never really had fun while i'm sober. What exactly do I do?"

"Talk to people, dance," Wes shrugs and pulls the keys out. He gets out of the car and waits for me to as well. "Relax. This is your house," he takes my hand and we make our way to the door.

I stop in my tracks when I spot Val standing on the patio with Naomi. They look like they're having a heated conversation and she blocks his way to move.

Being the curious person I am, I stand behind one of the pillars closest to them and pull Wesley's head to my neck to make it look like we're a random couple making out.

"What are you doing?" Wes asks against my neck.

"Shh, I need to hear what they're saying."

"He won't notice us – he's out of it."

"Shh," I hiss and focus on their voices.

"You can't tell him," Naomi says, her tone angry and nervous.

"I have to; he's my brother."

"I don't care. You'll ruin everything."

"It's so fucked up," Val moans as if he's in pain. 

"What will it take to make you keep quiet? Want to fuck me again?"

Holy shit.

Wes pulls his head back and his eyes bulge. I quickly turn around and look at them, seeing Naomi run her hands up his arms.

"I didn't want to the first time," he says and pushes her hands off of him.

"Yes you did, how can you say that?"

"You wanted to. I went along," he pauses and takes a breath, "-with it 'cause I don't think when i'm like this."

"You thought enough to know what to do."

"It was a mistake."

"I know," she steps back. "That's why you won't tell Carlos."

I look back at Wes, eyes wide in shock. Val slept with Carlos's girlfriend.

I grab Wesleys hand and quickly get inside the house and am hit with the smell of alcohol. I could totally use a drink after hearing that.

The Fuentes Family: YasminWhere stories live. Discover now