Chapter Seven

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y/n= your name

y/h= your hair color

y/e= your eye color

Kane's POV:

I finally reached the door, and when I peered in I noticed a woman in her early twenties staring at me. Trying to stop awkwardness I said, "I don't think we've met."

"Y-yeah," I heard the frail girl reply, "I'm (y/n) and I'm guessing you're Kane?" I paused for a moment, watching her shimmering (y/h) hair seem to flow as she looked around. "Correct!" I saw her inhale sharply as she stared at my face. My thoughts started to race, "Does she not like me? Does she think I'm weird?"

She quickly recomposed herself to ask me, "So.... why are you here? I thought only Morren worked in this job of capturing and selling- you know what I'm saying." Pulling myself from my thoughts I said, "It's a fairly short story. One day he was hiring and I needed the money so I took the job, and now I'm his apprentice."

Suddenly, I heard a rumbling sound echo throughout the room. Looking down, I noticed I was still holding her breakfast. "That must've been her stomach," I thought sheepishly before saying, "Oh yeah, you need to eat." I tried spooning her the food that took a long time to make, but she seemed to avoid it with all her might. Becoming slightly annoyed, I retorted to her reaction, "I'm sorry your Highness. Next time I'll buy the most expensive food in the land instead of a humble, homecooked meal." She looked taken aback and I took the moment to shove a big amount of food in her open mouth.

Scrunching up her face, she started pulling at her shackles while thinking. After a while her beautiful (y/e) eyes bore into mine and I shivered as she articulated, "Are you going to leave soon?"

I was confused because in one moment (y/n) seemed nice, despite the fact she was chained up, but soon became angry a second later. "Uhhhhh... Sure," I responded as I took the tray and gently closed the door shut. Climbing the stairs back up to the pub I continued my chores, yet try as I might I couldn't shake my meeting with (y/n) out of my mind.

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