Chapter 5: Hunt (Pt 1/1)

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Chapter 5: Hunt

I finish putting the dishes from lunch into the dishwasher and join Mist in the living room.

Just as I sit down, there's a knock at the door.

"That's probably Mom. I bet she forgot her key, I'll get it." She runs out of the room.

I hear the door open, followed by a loud, unhappy gasp.

I rush to her to see what the problem is.

Soon as I have Mist in my sight, I notice she looks petrified, like she saw a ghost or something. She's still holding onto the door handle.

I follow her gaze and I see a guy standing in the doorway. He looks towards me and frowns.

I walk up next to Mist. I discreetly sniff the air using my enhanced sense of smell. Compared to humans, werewolves have very enhanced senses, strength and speed, and things like that. He's a werewolf. My first instinct is to growl—but that's not an option right now. I resist the urge.

"Who are you?" I ask the guy.

I put an arm in front of Mist, blocking him from her.

"My name is Hunt. I go to school with Mist," he replies bluntly.

"Are you two friends?" I ask.

Mist starts violently shaking her head no.

"Who are you?" Hunt questions.

"Ryder, Mist's brother."

"Mist doesn't have a brother," he argues.

"Do I look like chopped liver to you?"

He narrows his eyes at me.

Mist starts tugging on the back of my shirt. I look at her and all I see is pure fear in her eyes.

That's him? I silently mouth to her.

She nods.

Now I really want to growl at this damn werewolf who thinks he can push my sister around.

"Mist, go upstairs."

She doesn't hesitate; she bolts up the steps.

Hunt glares at me.

"Look, pal, stay away from my sister, because if you don't? You'll regret it."

"I'd watch your back if I were you. Don't pick fights you can't win." Hunt turns and storms off.

I close and lock the door; I run up to Mist's room and I burst through the door.

Her head pops up. She relaxes when she sees it's just me.

I walk over and sit on the bed next to her; I run my fingers through her hair.

"You okay?" I ask.

She nods as she hugs her legs.

I hug her. "It's okay, I'll protect you. No one is going to hurt you."

She leans against me.

Hunt acted weird, as in weird for a werewolf. Now, I'm not an expert on all things werewolf, but I know enough to know that most werewolves—when left alone with another werewolf who is a potential threat—will confront that werewolf in a werewolf way. Like, maybe some glowing eyes or even a low growl that only another werewolf could hear. They could just say something that only makes sense to another werewolf. But Hunt didn't. It was like he didn't even know I was a werewolf. But how could he not? Unless it's new to him. Hmmm...

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