Chapter 19: The Game Plan (Pt 1/2)

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"Hey, honey, it's time to wake up. You have school today," a soft voice whispers in my ear.

"Hmmm." I turn over to get comfier.

"Get up, hard head."

I peek out from under my warm blanket. "Can I be homeschooled yet?" I mumble from under my covers.

My mom laughs. "Soon, sweetheart, but for now you have to go to school."

"Can't you call me in sick or something?"

"Are you feeling alright? What happened last night? You went to bed basically soon as you got back."

I roll onto my back. "I found Hunt at an old friend of mine's pack."

"Pack?" she asks.

"You know, um, kinda like a wolf pack, but werewolves."

"Oh, that's a thing?" she says.

"Yeah. Anyway... the alpha, Eli, he offered me something."

"And that was?"

"He wants me to join his pack."

"Why? Why would he want that?" she asks.

"I don't know. Feel like it has to do with my dead biological parents."

"I thought you didn't know who they were?"

"I don't. I just know they're dead. There's a file in my sock drawer that has information on them. I haven't looked at it yet."

She gently rubs my arm. I almost fall back asleep.

"That surprises me. Why wouldn't you want to know?"

I look over at her. "Not sure I'm ready to know. I'm just so happy here, with you guys. I don't want anything to change."

"Honey, knowing who your real parents are won't change our family. If you were to accept that offer of joining that guy's pack, would you have to leave?" she asks worriedly.

"Normally, yes, but he seems quite desperate for me to join, which concerns me. He said he'd only require me to swing by like once a week, to catch up I guess."

"How about I go make breakfast, and I'll tell your teachers you're not feeling well, and we can talk some more, okay?"

"Thanks, Mom. I'm really glad I can talk to you about this stuff now."

"Me too." She kisses my cheek.


She turns around to look back at me. "Sure."

"And bacon?"

"Someone's hungry."

"I have an endless stomach."

"Oh, I am aware. My paycheck is aware."

"Hey, Mom, before you go, can I ask you something?"

"I'm only going downstairs."

"I know, but can we afford only being on one paycheck? Even with Dad's raise?"

"It'll be a little tight at first, but I've got some ideas of part-time work I can do from home. So, we'll be just fine."

"Okay, good."

"Why'd you ask?"

"Oh, well, Eli sent me an email trying to persuade me to join and offered me money."

"Mr. Eli sounds quite desperate."

"I know."

"Can I go make breakfast now? The pancakes and bacon won't cook themselves."

"Yeah, food is good."

She laughs, shutting my bedroom door behind her.


After breakfast my mom and I talk for a while about Eli and that whole pack thing, and if I should look at the file about my biological parents.

"You should talk to your father some when he gets home," Mom suggests.

"About all this?"

"No, I'll fill him in on that. I mean just in general. He's okay with you being different and everything, but he's just having a little trouble processing it all. I figured spending some time with him would help with that."

"Yeah, sure. So, you really think I should look at the file?"

"I think you should do what you think is best for you. Do what your heart tells you. At least that's what my mom always told me to do."

"You're like the smartest, awesomest mom ever."

"I try my best." She smiles.

I can hear a key turn in the lock at the front door.

"I'm home!" Mist yells as she enters the house. She runs into the kitchen, tossing her bag aside to tackle me with a hug. "Okay, it's time for you to explain last night like you promised."

"Ugh, do I have to?"

"Yes! You promised!" she screeches.

"Mist, he's just tired because he just got finished talking to me about it," Mom adds.

"Oh. Well you're going to just have to tell it again since you didn't wait for me."

I sigh.

I fill her in as quick as I possibly can because I'm getting really tired of talking about it. I also fill my mom in on the situation with Hunt. She doesn't seem too thrilled about it, but she promises not to kill him as long as he behaves himself. But all bets are off if he does something stupid. Which means he will get his ass kicked by momma bear. Which personally I think Hunt should be more afraid of her than of me. She's way more terrifying than I am, and I can be pretty dang gone scary.

I am now once again sitting in my room, staring at a cream file folder which is filled to the brim with what should be information about my birth parents.

I toss it on my bed. I wander over to the window and stare blankly at the darkness of the night. I hear my phone from the other side of the room. I mosey over to it to see who has texted me.

My phone reads, "Daniel: Ryder, can we talk?"

I dial Daniel's number and place the phone to my ear. It rings for a moment.


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