Chapter 6: School (Pt 2/2)

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It loses its balance and falls. It lifts its head to look at me. The wolf's body shifts back into a human form. He's practically naked except for his underwear. Don't ask me why, but underwear doesn't ever seem to rip off during a shift. It just goes poof when we shift into a wolf and poof it's back when we shift back to human. I have never understood it, but I'm quite frankly very thankful for it.

Time to see who this idiot is. I walk over and kneel next to him, so I can get a good look. I jump back, tripping over a tree root and I land flat on my ass.

"Hunt," I say, stunned. Damn it, I should have known it was him. That was a dumb mistake on my part.

His eyes open and he sees me. He jumps back and pins himself against a tree.

He looks... terrified.

"Why are you here, why do you keep coming here? Why won't you just leave my sister alone!" I yell at him.

He stares at me for a moment. He seems confused for some reason. He stands up.

"W-why aren't you freaking out?" he asks as if he doesn't know I'm like him.

"Seriously... Why in the world would I be freaking out?"

"B-because you s-saw me," he stutters.

"So? Can we please get back to the part of why have you been coming here? I want an answer and I want it now." I growl.

"I don't know! Okay? Are you happy? I don't know what the hell is going on with me. My life has been pretty messed up this past year."


"You did see me, right?" His voice cracks.

"Yeah, I saw you. I don't get it, how does this excuse you from anything you've done to Mist? Huh?"

"You did see me as a wolf, right?" he asks again.

"How many times do I have to say yes, you idiot!"

"I-I don't understand. Don't you find it odd at all?" he asks through his teeth.

"Why the hell should I? I can do the same damn thing."

"Wait, what?" His eyes widen.

"You're a werewolf, you dumbass, did you not know that?" I ask him. This dude is really pissing me off.

"W-werewolf?" His eyes widen even more, if that's even possible.

"I would have thought you'd at least figured it out by now. Or at least put the pieces together. I mean how dumb are you?" Is it just me, or am I the only one who wants to rip his head off, just to get him to shut up? Well, I still need him to answer my questions first, then I'll rip his head off.

He continues to stare at me wide-eyed. "What? But. How?" His expression is completely distraught.

I rub my head. Man, this guy is dense. "The only way to be a werewolf is to be born a werewolf. I found out the hard way. Apparently, you must have too..."

"What?" he yells.

Welp, he's not taking this well.

"You're freaking telling me that I've always been like this?" He grits his teeth.

Alright, I'm done messing around. I rush up to him and pin him firmly to the tree behind him. "I'm done with this bullshit! Now, you're going to tell me why the hell you won't leave my sister alone!" I bark in his face. My eyes start to glow, my claws begin to sink into his neck.

Hunt yelps in pain. "I-I... c-can't t-talk," he musters.

I loosen my grip. He gasps in air.

"Now tell me!" I growl so loud that it echoes throughout the forest.

"I honestly don't know what you mean. And how would you know who Mist is?" Hunt asks.

I release him, and he immediately caresses his neck.

"When's the first time you remember seeing me?"

"Ummm, at school? You asked me something.'' He rubs his head. He groans and clutches his stomach.

"Mist is my sister, and you assaulted her."

"You're her brother?" He tilts his head to the side. "And, yeah, people keep telling me that. I was sent to a shrink for it. The worst part is I don't even remember any of the shit people said I've done. I've been told I have some mental condition because I wake up in places like the woods not remembering how I got there and in other stupid places... I had to lie to the shrink that the blackouts had stopped so I could go back to school. I'd never do any of the things I have been told I've done. The last time I ever remember seeing Mist was in first period the same day that it all apparently went down—well, and at lunch at school today." He groans again, louder this time.

"Hunt?" I question.

"It-it hurts." He groans more.

"What hurts, Hunt? What hurts?"

"Everything," he stutters.

Why does it hurt? Doesn't make sen—wait. He's rejecting it. He's fighting it. His instincts are trying to take over. Dammit. I remember doing that at first, but it never got this bad...

"Hunt, don't fight it, stop rejecting it! You have to—"

I'm cut off by a deep growl.

Hunt's head swings up. His glowing eyes meet mine. His expression turns dark.

Huh. Well, that's not good, not good at all.

He growls, shifts, and lunges at me, tackling me to the ground.

"RYDER!" I hear a voice yell.

Oh shit...


Hunt turns his attention to her.

"Oh, I don't think so," I say.

I shove him off me. He makes a thud when he hits the ground. He starts to get back up, and I throw myself on top of him. I glance back towards the house. I see Mist still standing there. She looks quite worried.

"I said get inside!"

I'm suddenly tossed off him and into a tree.

"NOOO!" Mist yells.

Hunt starts to run towards Mist.

"RUN, NOW." God dammit I didn't want this to happen like this.

I charge after Hunt. I lunge and shift.

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