Chapter 2

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Coon sat in the lair, waiting. He had gotten replies from Marie, Tweek and Craig, but nothing from the others. Damn, he thought, we are low on support right about now. As he grimaced at the thought, he heard the basement door unlock with a beep.

Marie walked down the stairs, her robotic cat tail swaying slightly and her ears twitching as they picked up distant screams from the town. "This meeting is about the chaos outside, isn't it..."

"What do you think, CC?" the Coon muttered just loud enough for her to hear. She glares at him just as the lock beeps again.

The door bursted open, Tweek rushing past CC and shrieking softly. "Th-They're after me n-next!! Oh god!!" He ran to his chair, sitting down frantically. CC rolls her eyes at Coon, turning her attention to Tweek. She goes to her chair across from him and sits down. "No one is after you, Tweek, you can relax," She whispers, attempting to calm him down.

The door beeped once more before opening. Craig walked calmly down the steps, nodding to Coon and CC before moving to sit next to Tweek. CC nods back, her ears once more twitching. Coon looked at the clock on the wall before standing up at the head of the table. "We are still missing a few, but as soon as they arrive I will tell you about my plan." Coon then turned away, walking toward the wall behind him to mess with one of the decorations on the wall.

Wonder Tweek calmed down a bit, though he still twitched slightly. He looked from CC to Craig back to CC again, unsure of what to do. "A-Are you guys doing okay..?" He asked, trying to be casual.

"I'm doing alright," CC responded.

"That's good..." he whispered, then turning to Super Craig. "How about you? Are you okay?"

Craig gave a small smile. "Yes, I'm alright, babe. Just try to relax, okay?" He placed his hand on Tweek's shoulder.

"Tweek?" CC started, looking for the right wording. "I don't mean to be a bother, but you said when you came in that 'they' are after you. Who was chasing-" CC couldn't get the words out before Cartman's voice rose over it.

"Alright, guys, we can't wait any longer. Here's my plan: We should check out the police first. It could be them again just like last time. If they are out of the question, then we go find Butters and see if he knows anything. For now, though, COON AND FRIENDS- I mean, FREEDOM PALS or, um... WHATEVER, TO THE POLICE STATION!" Coon ran up the stairs and out of the basement, as if attempting to appear heroic. CC gave a huff and stood up, her tail swaying quickly back and forth. "We should wait for everyone to get here. Karen and Mysterion aren't even here."

When it became obvious that Coon wasn't coming back down, CC huffed again and started for the stairs. She grabbed the handrail then stopped, turning back to Craig and Tweek. "You boys coming?" She raised an eyebrow slightly as she asked, her expression softened.

"COME ON GUYS!!!" Coon yelled impatiently.

Tweek looked at Craig, then at CC. "J-Jesus! Okay!" He shouted, taking Craig's hand and running up the stairs after CC. CC holds her ears as she hurries up the stairs, wincing at the sound of the Coon's yelling.

Coon groaned as the three made their way up the stairs. "Ugh, you guys are being slow! I'll meet you at the station!" Coon walked out of the house, making his way down the sidewalk to the station. CC followed, the heels of her boots clicking on the pavement with every step. Hand-in-hand, Craig and Tweek bring up the rear, making sure to close the front door behind them. As the couple make their way towards the station, they hear yelling nearby. Without realizing it, Craig grips Tweek's hand a little tighter. Tweek moves closer to Craig, his heart beat beginning to speed up. The yelling was getting closer.

Butters grabbed the helmet, studying it. He slowly put it on. He was surprised to find that it still fit. He began to put on the rest of his outfit, a smile growing on his face as he did. When he was in full costume, he laughed. He was Professor Chaos again. He hadn't felt so powerful in years. He felt like he could do anything.

He hurried out of his house and to the U-Stor-It. His old lair. He climbed over the fence, landing gracefully on his feet. As he looked around, he saw that the place hadn't aged well. Everything around him was rusty and old, looking no more like garbage than anything else. He rubbed his hands together and began to get to work. He worked about, removing all the old junk and replacing it. He was delighted to find that the place was beginning to look better than his old lab did. As he worked, he thought about how he would get new minions. So far, however, no ideas came to mind. "Bummer," he muttered to himself as he worked. "I really could use some help."

And so it seemed, help was not as far away as Professor Chaos thought. Noah stood in the shadows outside of the lair, a completely black cloak covering him from head to toe. He had stood watching Chaos hopped the fence, and after a few moments found himself doing the same. The fence rattled loudly as Noah climbed over it. As Noah landed on the other side, he stood up and removed his cloak, knowing that Chaos would hear the sound and return.

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