Chapter 9

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Mysterion ran for what felt like forever. He finally stopped, trying to catch his breath. He turned around and looked at the lair. He knew he shouldn't have left. He shouldn't have abandoned Karen, and CC, and Tweek. As he began to jog back to the lair, a roar pierced the air. The ground shook under his feet, and he found himself gaping at the mountainous creature that now stood next to the lair. 

"Oh, god. Karen!"

He started sprinting, yelling his sister's name over and over again. He knew he had to move quickly. He knew she could die.

CC, Tweek, and Butters stood together in the lair as Noah transformed into Frostbite. CC could see Karen standing by herself, the Mexicans having broken off in all directions in a frenzied panic. "Karen!!" CC screamed, running on all fours towards her.

Karen finally took her eyes off of Frostbite to look around, noticing CC just as she reached her. CC grabbed Karen and kept running towards the gate.

"NOAH?! OH MY GOD, NOAH NO!!!" Butters tried to scream over Frostbite's roar, but the words barely came out loud enough. Tweek grabbed Butters hand and started to drag him out of the lair. "B-Butters, we have to run, now!" Tweek yelled as he pulled on Butters'. They had just ran out of the building as Frostbite brought his leg down on it. The air was shattered with the sound of metal being driven into the ground, a huge cloud of dust pluming out and around where the building had once stood. 

Tweek and Butters stopped for a moment, shielding their eyes from the dust. As the air cleared, they found themselves standing nearby the fence where CC and Karen stood watching Frostbite.

"We have to go, come on!" Tweek yelled, beginning to make his way over the fence. The others followed, moving quickly up and over, then taking off down the road. Frostbite roared again, stomping down again on what was left of the building.

Mysterion arrived at the building right after the others had left. He leaped onto the fence and looked around for any sign of them. Before he could react, a hand grabbed him tightly. He was lifted into the air right up to Frostbites face. The beast growled, squeezing Mysterion tighter. He gasped for breath. He was completely immobilized. Right when he thought his body would snap, the beast threw him, his body slamming into the ground next to the face. He landed on his arm, pain flooding his body. He chocked, trying to breath as the world blurred around him. He watched as the beast leaned down towards him right before everything went black.

CC, Tweek, Karen, and Butters all collapsed on the floor of the Coon Lair, breathing heavy. "I-Is... everyone okay..?" CC asked with some difficulty. The others simply nodded, too exhausted to speak. Karen rubbed her cheek absently, the stinging barely noticeable.

Butters brought his legs to his chest and started to rock. "G-Guys? Where is Ken- I mean, Mysterion?" he whimpered. CC and Tweek turned to Karen, figuring that she would know. "I told him to run. To get help. He did, but I don't know where he is now," she responded, still winded.

"You don't think he will go back to the U-Stor-It, do you?" Tweek asked, looking at CC.

She shrugged. It was hard to talk, and she found it was even more difficult to cough. She breathed heavily, trying to relax. She adjusted her heels then began to speak, stuttering, "I'm s-sure that he is alright... Mysterion can h-handle himself..." She coughed again, holding her chest in pain.

Karen stood up, going over to CC and placing an arm around her. "You should rest, I couldn't imagine you being well after sprinting around in high heels." She helped CC up, walking over to the table and sitting her down in her seat. CC smiled at Karen and nodded appreciatively.

CC looked over at Tweek, who looked as if he were about to have a panic attack. "Tweek? Are you okay?" She had finally gotten her breathing under control.

"N-N-No!" He shrieked, hugging himself defensively. "S-Super Craig is still missing! Ever since he went to take those people to a safe place from the station... but he should've been back by then! Oh god, what if he is in danger, too?!"

Just as Tweek finished talking, the basement door slammed open and Craig ran into the room. His face was red and he was panting, his lips and nose bloody. "Tweek!" He yelled, nearly tripping on the last steps as he rushes to Tweek. Craig holds him tightly, still panting. "I was looking everywhere for you guys! The police are going crazy with the monster running around!"

Tweek hugs him back, shaking and trying to hold back his tears. They stay like that for a few moments before Tweek pulls away. He cups Craig's face in his hands, looking him over. "C-Craig, what happened to you?! After you left with those civilians, where did you go?!" Despite his best efforts, he began to cry, but he let the tears flow freely. He was more focused on Craig.

"I got those people to the Community Center, but on my way back I ran into those drunkards that attacked us earlier. I was able to fight them off, but when I finally got to the station, you guys were gone." Craig grabbed Tweek's hands, holding them in his. He looks around the room, nodding to both Karen and CC. When he spots Butters he glares. CC immediately notices and steps between the two.

"It's okay, Craig, Butters is on our side." She speaks softly, her voice still a bit hoarse. Craig nods, giving Butters a small smile. Suddenly, the room starts to shake, the various knickknacks falling off the shelves and breaking on the floor. The shaking was in a familiar and chilling rhythm. Footsteps.

It was Frostbite.

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