Chapter 11

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Butters finished bandaging Mysterion just as a cough sounded behind him. Karen, who was still sitting next to Mysterion, raised her hand and pointed. Her eyes were wide. She was dead quiet.

It was Noah.

Butters watched as Noah slowly sat up, blood running down his chin. His chest was riddled with bullets, most likely from the police. "Wha... where..?" he stuttered, blood seeming to soak his very words.

A low growl formed in Karen's throat as she watched Noah. She hated him, hated him for mocking her, for hurting her, for hurting everyone. She glared, wanting nothing more than to be the ever loving shit out him. Mysterion heard her and took her hand, hoping that she would relax.

Noah winced, laying back down and gasping. He held his chest, gripped at the fabric as he stared up at the sky. One of his hands went to his throat, his blood sticking to his fingertips. Butters turned back to Mysterion, burying his face into the blooding purple fabric.

"I-I was so worried... I thought, I thought you would..." Butters whispered, tears beginning to stream down his face.

"Worried I would what?" Mysterion whispered back. He hugged Butters back with his free hand.

"Hate me..."

"No, no, I could never hate you."

Butters looked up at Mysterion, shocked. "Really?"

"Really." Mysterion grinned

Craig and Tweek stood together at the table, watching. Tweek looked back towards Marie, who still stood by herself. A small frown formed on his face as he stared at her. "Should we go talk to her?" Tweek asked, nodding his head towards her as he turned back to Craig.. He didn't respond, he simply nodded, taking Tweek's hand as they walked over to her.

As the two boys walked towards her, she sat down cross-legged. They moved to sit on either side of her, Tweek clearing his throat to get her attention. "So," he started. "Today was... eventful."

CC flinched when he cleared his throat, not expecting them to be there. She smiled at Tweek before nodding. "Yeah..." she spoke with a sigh. Craig rubs her back comfortingly, still silent.

Suddenly, she broke down. She held her face in her hands as she sobbed. Her body shook violently. "It's okay, Marie," Craig finally spoke, his voice flat. "It has been a long day..." As he spoke, his eyes glimmered with tears, but he blinked them away quickly. She nods, quieting down. She lifts up her face and rubs her nose with her sleeve with a sniffle.

Tweek rubbed at his eyes, not from sadness but from exhaustion. He laid back, falling asleep immediately. Craig smiled at the Tweek, stifling an urge to laugh. He moved his arm behind Marie and ran his fingers through Tweek's hair. Marie placed her head on Craig shoulder, wrapping her arms around him. He moved his free arm around her and watched the sun finally disappear.

A few minutes passed, and Marie too was asleep. Craig moved her carefully as he laid her down. He stood and walked away over to Mysterion, Butters, and Karen. When he got over to them, he noticed immediately that Karen was asleep as well. Mysterion and Butters stood when they noticed Craig, Mysterion regarding him with a nod. "We should get home," Mysterion stated, keeping his voice low.

"You guys can go. I am going to see what I can do about this Noah guy. Tweek and CC need to rest, though. I don't want to wake them up."

Butters nodded as Mysterion picked Karen up. As the two walked out with her, Craig turned his attention back to Noah. He crouched beside the bloody body, looking over the injuries. Craig just shook his head. He had no reason to care. And he didn't. He couldn't. Not after what this bastard had done.

Craig stood, grabbed one of the medical boxes that lay next to the empty shelf, and crouched back next to Noah again. He went to work, doing his best to remove the bullets embedded in Noah's chest and bandage the seemingly endless injuries the guy had. If not for his heartbeat, Craig would've thought him to be dead. But the last thing they needed was a corpse to deal with. The last thing the town needed was another corpse to deal with.

"Just adding to the body count..." Craig muttered as he bandaged one of Noah's arms.

Once he had finished, Craig picked Noah up, doing his best not to hurt him anymore than he was. Craig brought him to the cage in the back of the room and placed him inside. As Craig locked the cage, he thought back to 4th grade, when both Professor Chaos and The Coon had been locked in the cage during the whole cat incident. He sighed, then stood up and walked away from the cage. He checked his watch: 11:27 p.m.  That had taken too long.

He looked over at Tweek and Marie, who were still asleep. He thought about the day, and realized they had no time to waste. The incident at the police station, with all those bodies, they still had no idea what happened. Noah couldn't have been responsible: Butters would've known about it if that were the case. Craig knew he had to figure out what was happening. He moved quickly up the stairs, taking each step two at a time. At the top, he stopped to take one last look at Tweek. 

"Stay safe, babe," He whispered, holding back tears. Then he left. 

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