Chapter 12

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"Let's stop at my house first, so I can drop Karen off."

Mysterion pulled down his hood, the cold breeze nipping his cheeks. He held Karen bridal-style down the sidewalk. Butters walked with him, rubbing his tinfoil gloves together in a futile attempt to warm his hands.

The two walked in silence for a while, reflecting over the events of the day. Even so late in the night sirens sounded in the distance, too far away to be any immediate concern.

"So." Butters fought the urge as he began speaking. "Long time no see, huh?"

"Yeah, it has been awhile. Uh, how's life?" Mysterion mentally facepalmed. Stupid, he thought.

"Lonely. Nothing... new, I guess." Butters chuckled softly before giving a heavy sigh.

"That must suck ass. I'm so sorry."

"No, it's whatever. I'm fine!" Butters began to twiddle his thumbs. This seemed weird.

They finally arrived at the McCormick's house. Mysterion quickly carried Karen inside and placed in her bed in her room. He planted a kiss on her forehead before walking out, joining Butters back on the sidewalk. Even as adults, they all never really grew up.

They left their conversation behind them as they continued on towards Butter's house. Occasionally, the two threw glances at one another, resulting in them both being red faced by the time they had gotten to the house. They stood in front of the door in a painfully awkward silence.

"Do you want to just, um, sleep here tonight?" Butters blurted, his face now scarlet. Mysterion, who was nearly as red as Butters, smiled dumbly and nodded. As the two settled down in the living room, they quickly passed out, exhaustion finally taking over. They most likely would've slept to noon had it not been for the familiar scream at daybreak.

As the sun began to rise on day 2, Tweek opened his eyes. As he peered around, he realized that he was still in the Coon Lair. He sat up quickly, taking in his surroundings. CC stirred quietly next to him, claws out, clutching at her arms. He spotted Noah in the cage, bandaged and unconscious. He noticed that the others were gone.

He shook CC's shoulder. "CC, wake up, wake up!"

"Mmmm..." she grumbled, moving her hands to cover her eyes.

"CC!!" Tweek raised his voice and shook her a little harder. She shot up quickly, though she was still a bit groggy. "I'm up, I'm... up." She mumbled softly, rubbing at her eyes. Tweek sighed before standing up. "We should head home. It seems like everyone else already has." He took a look at the stairs sadly. He hadn't thought Craig would just leave. Not without a reason. Nonetheless, Tweek missed him.

CC stood slowly, peering at Tweek with a look of concern. "Are you alright, Tweek?"

He nodded silently and began making his way towards the stairs and out of the house. She followed just as quiet.

They continued on as such until they got to her house. Tweek dropped CC off before walking aimlessly down the sidewalk. He stopped by a bench near her house and sat down, placing his head in his hands. He didn't realize the presence that sat next to him until the man cleared his throat.

Tweek stared in shock at his "bench" fellow. The man didn't have a head. Well, he did in a sense. It was a TV. "Uh, hello!" Tweek began with a smile. "What's your name?"

The man didn't move or speak. Tweek contemplated getting up; however, just as he was about to, the man spoke up. 

"My name is Code."


"What did you expect, Batman?"

"What, uh, no!" What an odd man.

Code laughed. At least, that is what Tweek thought he heard. "Relax, Tweek, I'm messing with you."

"O-Oh... wait, how did you-"

Before Tweek could finish his sentence, a phone rang loudly. Code pulled out his phone and answered. Code said nothing as he listened to the phone, ending the call just as quickly as he'd answered it. He turned to Tweek and pulled his empty fist back. "THINK FAST!!" He yelled, nearly punching Tweek directly in the face. Tweek moved quicker, though, jumping backwards off the bench with a startled shout. 


"What do you think?" Code continued to sit with an air of nonchalance, a pixelated smile on his screen.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!?!" Tweek had stood back up and was already backing way. Code's response to the question stopped Tweek's blood cold.

"Yes, I am."

Tweek screamed and took off running.


Marie sits up quickly, startled. So much for sleep, she thought as she jumped out her bedroom window and onto the sidewalk. She immediately spots him running in her direction and takes off towards him at full speed. The two met on the sidewalk, collapsing on the ground as they hugged. "Tweek!" CC gasped, stroking his hair. "What's wrong?!"

"CODE! HIS NAME IS CODE! HE'S GONNA KILL ME!!!" Tweek shuddered, gripping onto CC.

"Tweek, calm down. Who is Code?" CC tried her best to calm him down. As she spoke, she spotted Mysterion and Butters running toward them. She waved them over, still keeping one arm around Tweek.

"Guys, are you alright?! What happened?" Butters breathed heavily from running. He bent down, putting his hands on his knees as he attempted to catch his breath.

Tweek stuttered, his eyes wild but focused. "He was at the bench and his head is a TV and he tried to punch me and and-" He coughed and clutched at his chest. Mysterion looked around at the sidewalk bench. There was nobody around.

"TV head?" CC muttered. She looked up at Butters and Mysterion with obvious confusion. Their expressions were the same. "Tweek, are you sure-"

"Thank you, Mr. Tweak, for the information."

They all turned suddenly towards where the voice came from. Before them, seemingly out of thin air, stood the man with a television head. A smiley-face shown on the screen. In his hands he held a laptop and a cellphone, which he held up as if to show them. "For now, though, I must go. Toodles!" And with that, Code took off down the street. His laughter rang in the air around them.

Taunting them.

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