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Most people say the most painful thing a human can experience is crucifixion, when a person is tied, nailed, or otherwise attached to a wooden beam and left to hang for several days they die from exhaustion and asphyxiation. Others say lingchi, when a persons body was slowly cut into pieces as a form of execution. Some even say Irukandji Syndrome, a condition induced by the sting of the Irukandji jellyfish, which brings excruciating pain and an intense feeling of impending doom.

The people who say things like that have obviously never experienced heartbreak before.

Heartbreak hurts worse than a hundred knives being plunged into your chest, physically and emotionally. It can incapacitate you, make it impossible to live your life, it can lead you to ruin your life as you desperately search for ways to ease this pain.

A broken heart can probably kill you. Who can live without a working heart?

Maybe it has killed people.

And, if they let it, broken hearts will probably kill two more people much too soon.

"Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together." —Unknown


I wanted to leave the intro void of an author's note for Aesthetic Purposes™, but I'd just like to put something out here. I don't usually publish anything involving heavy topics such as severe mental health issues, drug addiction/substance abuse, suicide, etc., partially because I feel it's romanticizing these problems, and partly because I know they're sensitive topics to a lot of people.

But I'm able to draw a lot of inspiration from my depression and anxiety and it's so much easier to write tragedy sometimes because it comes so easily.

I'd like to give you an official warning that there's a LOT of angst up ahead. Basically, expect for every good thing, there are another two bad things. Anyways, thanks for reading, please enjoy.

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