30. Answers Part 4

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Q. What was the main realization that helped you decide you were an atheist? 

A. I think the biggest thing that pulled me away from religion is how silly it sounded to me as a kid (and still today). The Bible stories my grandma would tell me were so far-fetched I thought they were fairy-tales. I had no idea they were actually supposed to be things people believed. I also didn't grow up in a religious household, so that probably helped. 

Q. What's your opinion on homeschooling? 

A. I don't really care for it. I wouldn't ever homeschool my kids though. I think social interactions are crucial for children to learn, and homeschooling them doesn't really help with that. That's why homeschool kid jokes are a thing. 

Q. What's your opinion on Scientology?

A. I don't care for it. It claims to be extremely scientific, yet some of its claims are not compatible with modern science at all. I don't know a ton about it, but I'm not a fan. 

Q. How do you view people marrying objects and animals?

A. As for people marrying objects, I didn't know that was a thing. I actually wouldn't care if someone did, because objects don't have a consciousness and it really wouldn't matter at all. Animals, on the other hand, are different. Animals can't consent and therefore it would be animal abuse to marry an animal. I think people can have strong bonds with animals, but they don't need to marry them. 

Q. Who let the dogs out? 

A. Baha Men. All the way. 

Q. Do you have a cat?

A. No. I've never had a cat in my entire life. I despise cats. 

Q. Are you having a good Christmas?

A. Yes! Thank you! I hope you are as well!

Q. Do you enjoy pineapple on pizza?

A. It is an atrocity. A tragedy has befallen mankind. 

Q. Are you religious? 

A. Praise Him! The glorious Flying Spaghetti Monster!

Q. What's it like being such a prominent figure/celebrity in the atheist/religious community on Wattpad? 

A. I haven't really thought about it like that before, to be honest. My book has 12,500 reads so far, which is pretty cool. I have a ton of feedback from mainly religious people, which is quite interesting. I like it! It's awesome to be the author of a book that so many people participate in, such as discussions and debates. It's pretty nice! 

Q. Do you think Christians make the world a worse place? 

A. Yes and no. Christians in general no, but religion yes. I believe religion clouts the mind and doesn't leave room for logical judgement and reasoning in several areas. Science could advance even further if religion weren't a thing anymore, everyone would know the truth of the Universe, a lot more people would be alive in the world, we wouldn't be so divided as a human race, and many other benefits would come with the eradication of religion. I believe that will happen one day. As time passes, less and less people are becoming religious. One day everyone will be an atheist! 

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