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~~Phil's POV~~

The best things that can happen are the things that you really don't expect. Today, all I thought that would happen would be some laziness, maybe some banter, and that's about it. 

But, THAT just happened. 

Dan and I,

the kiss,

well, a little bit more than a kiss, 

but it happened, and no one saw it coming.

I don't know why I did it. I never thought that I could do it. I never thought that it would happen. but it did, and I'm not going to complain.

"Y... you love me?" Dan softly and timidly asks me. 

"I.. I.. uh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." I scoot myself and sit away from Dan, I look away. I cant stand to see his face right now.

I can feel him move closer to me but he's keeping his distance to not over step, I appreciate his respectfulness.

"No, Phil it's fine, I just..." He trails off, I know this can't be good. I hold my breath.

please don't do this.

"I want to make sure that you really do and it wasn't just the moment..."

I turn to look at him. that is not at all what I expected him say, but in a way it seems so much worse. he thinks I only said that because of the moment?

"Dan, do you really think that?" My voice is becoming shaky.

"No, no. I mean.... I want the reassurance that it wasn't.."

"I have been trying so hard for this, for us. I have been aweful to you and you stayed. That is what showed me that you loved me even if you don't think you do or want to say you do, I know you do. And you being like my sister and keeping your hope in me gave me the ability to try. try to be nicer, try to work with us. And you think I dont mean it?"

I really didn't mean to blow up on him.

I could see him tearing up a bit, I want to apologise but I don't want him to think it was okay. "Phil I do feel like I lov-" he stops and sighs, "I have alot of feeling for you, I just am still unsure."

I am so hurt, "If that's how you really feel, I think you should go home, I need some time for myslef."

He is still tearing, he nods and walks out. 

I feel like I want to cry, now what?


I am sorry that this is a short chapter the next chapter  is going to be a rather long chapter so I will make up for it. 



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