13. what just happened (part 1)

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(Trigger warning)

~~Phil's POV~~

I woke up and Dan was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Is everything alright?" I ask. I didnt even notice him get up.

"Y-yea, I'm alright," he starts to fiddle with his thumbs, I know he's not okay.

I sit up, "Dan," I place one of my hands ontop of his. "What's wrong?"

He sighed, I prepares for the worse. "My ex called me.." he trailed off, he couldn't finish what he was going to say.

"Dan it's okay, you told me about him. You don't have to talk about it."

He ignores what I said, "did I tell you about my dad?"

I don't like where this is going, "no... not really."

Dan took a deep breath, "well, I told you that my Ex abused me, right?"

"You did, but Dan you don't have to talk about it"

"No I do. Well, I only stayed with him becuase I thought that it was okay. My dad..." he got choked up, "my dad, he abuses me too. He always comes home drunk and he'll beat me up becuase 'I am ruining his life for being gay'" Dan started to cry, I could see the tears.

I was silent. I didnt know what to say.

"He.. Felix... he made me have sex with him. It was terrifying. I wanted to leave, but I just couldn't. And now I'm so scared to get close to anyone." He cried more. "Im sorry to cry on you like this, it's not like you care."

"Dan..." I began slowly, but he stopped me.

"I don't want your pity, I want to know if you actually care." He turned to me. I could see the broken in his eyes. I could see the saddness in his face. "Do you care?"

"Of course I care."

"Do you? Becuase the way you have treated me since I've known you is the same way Felix treated me! He pushed me around calling me a fag and told me he was sorry. I'm only now realizing this because when he called he told me you are just who he is. And 'I'll only be happy with him and who he is.' He wants me back, and if you both are going to treat me the same way, I might as well go back to Felix. At least he loved me!"

This was alot coming from Dan. He started sobbing right after all of that. I do care for Dan, and I didn't know what I was doing.

"I am truly confused with who I am, and I'm sorry for ever doing the bad things I did," I began, he still wouldn't look at me. "I was scared. I knew that I was gay. And I didn't know what to do. I hated myself, I would scream and hate myself becuase I couldn't be normal. I couldn't just like girls and i wanted to just disappear. I had Mandy to see if I could fix myself, but things changed the day I met you."

He looked at me, and for the first time today, he looked at me with something good in his eyes. It looked like... hope.

"You were the courage that I needed. You are the courage that I still need. If you left right now, I would go back to the terrible person that I was."

"I-I mean something to you?" He asks me and sniffs.

"Of course you do."

He smiles, it is one of the best smiles I have seen him have.

"I love you, Dan."

There was silence. Should I have said that?

Then Dan leans in. Slowly. There was so much tension, it felt like something was going to snap. His lips were just a centimeter from mine, I closed my eyes.

Then nothing happend.

I opened my eyes and Dan had pulled away, "I sorry."

He got up and ran out of the room, and from the sound of the front door, he had left the house too.

What just happened?


Boop! Sorry for the teasing :p That's so unfair of me. But wgatever.

I actually updated a week later like i promised from the beginging. Yay!

But I hoped you liked it (and hate me muhahaahahahahah)



P.s. had to re publish becuase i Added something.

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