A summer love (Swag x Farmer)

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Swag Draucla x Farmer John

'He looked at me like I was the most important person in the world, his smoothing voice calming me as I smiled carelessly at the dark haired boy. I guess you could say it was a summer romance, full of laughs and soft kisses. I could tell you in a heartbeat how he made me feel. Imagine the sun glaring down on you on a hot sunny day. You just stepped inside a cold building, the sweat dripping down your face. You lay down of the couch relaxing in the nice cool air smiling. He made you feel something new, like a fresh start. It was so addicting. Like a drug that you can't stop taking. He could make me smile by just batting an eyelash. It was a summer love.'

'Tell me more about that summer.'

'Well let's go back to the beginning. It was June 1 1990. I was just starting my job as a waiter at this amazing diner in my town. I was just about to end my shift when he walked in. He was something different. Something new to discover in a world of old. He walked in like he knew the place but he was really the outcast that everyone wanted to know. So I took his order. The next thing I knew was we were sitting talking until the diner closed. I remember my stomach hurting to the point if I laughed again it was so painful but I was so happy I didn't care. He took me home, kissed my cheek making me blush so hard. I asked him out and all he said was 'See you there sugar' and I thought my heart would explode. My parents at the time weren't very accepting of my sexuality so of course they always asked if I was out with a new guy like I was some man whore. Which ticked him off. He told me once our senior years ended we would get out of here and start a new life. It excited me like any teen. A new life, a start over. It was what every teen dreamed and wanted but very few got.'

'Your obviously married correct?' John looked at his ring finger. The ring his lover had given him.

'why yes, this is from my first love. I took off my marriage ring when my husband died, but I could never get rid of the one I was given too when I was younger which really bugged my husband when we married'

'Why'd you keep it?'

'It was my frist proposal. I would never forget the day he got down on one knee and asked me to run away with him. My heart fluttered so hard that day I might of had a heart attack.' John smiled off to the distance as a tear rolled down his face.

'Can you tell me what happened that day?'

'Well, he came early in the morning knocking on my front door. He had meant my parents and my dad liked him alot. I remember being told to wait outside. He wanted to talk to my dad privately but I thought nothing of it. My dad said yes of course he was the most supportive of my parents. He wanted me to have a good and happy life even if I was married young. So after he was done talking to my father we drove off, singing to every song on the radio. Laughing at how sappy they were. It was a time to never forget. Then we arrived at a beautiful garden. It was surrounded in yellow roses, white lilys and so many more flowers I couldn't name them all. Then he got down on one knee. He said 'Will you make me the happiest bat alive and marry me? Let's run away, start a new life.' I laughed at the stupid bat joke but said yes. My love for him was something special. It says sappy but he was the light in my darkness.' A light chuckle escaped John's capped lips. The sun was setting making John sadden a bit.

'Tell me about your job." John's thoughts were interrupted by the interviewer.

'Well of course I'm a farmer. Hints the name farmer john. My grandparents were Farmers so I took their farm and turned it around and fixed it up.'

'Anything else to add?'

'Just that I hope that one day I will be able to find the man I once loved. I like to call him 'a bat in the night'. ah a good man he was. Only if he haven't left so quickly to the war.' The interviewer nodded giving John a firm hand shake then leaving the small ranch. The sunlight was almost gone, you could barely just see the sun over the top of the hill.

'Hey baby.' a rough voice came behind John startling the older man. John turned around not believing what he saw. His hands ghosted over the features of the man in front of him. The pale skin he had grown to love. The midnight colored hair he had run his hands through a million times. The dark eyes he had stared into so long he felt he would melt after one gaze.

'D-Dracula." John stammered stumbling over his words. John slapped Dracula then pulled him forward pulling him into a deep kiss. John had missed every detail of this man but also hated him for leaving him.

'im sorry'

'You better be' Dracula laughed wrapping his arms around John's waist. He had missed this, he had missed the small town of Lewisburg.

'You kept the ring.' Drac had whispered softly. John nodded as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

'You said we'd run away and I kept that close to heart but when your dad enlisted you in the army my heart was broken. I had to move on tho.'

'I'm here now. Let's travel and grow old together. We're only 38. Your a young single man.' John sighed, was he really ready to move on from his husband who had died 2 years ago?

'Only if you buy me dinner.' Drac smiled taking John's hand twirling him around the dimly lit kitchen.

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