All time low

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I, was the knight in shining armor in your movie.
Would put your lips on mine and love the aftertaste

Keith knew that he had messed up big time and now because of his mistake Lance's not ok and maybe never will be again

Now I'm a ghost, I call your name, you looked right through me
You're the reason I'm alone and masturbate

Keith has tried many time to apologize to Lance, but he wouldn't say anything to anybody anymore it's like no one was even there.

I, I've been trying to fix my pride, but that shits broken, that shits broken

Every time Lance sees Keith he would instantly run away from him since he just felt hurt and didn't want Keith to say anything else to him

Lie (lie, lie) lie, lie, I try to hide but now you know it

Lance knew that Keith was really sorry, but he couldn't except his apology not now and probably ever because he broke him and hard too.

That I'm at an all time

Now you're probably wondering what happened well it started a couple days ago..

Voltron just helped another planet under Zarcons control and the Paladins were back on the castle, even if they won there was some mistakes and Keith? Keith a was furious because Lance did all of the mistakes that could have costed them the mission.

Low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low

As soon as Keith saw Lance he stomped to him and started to yell at him telling him all of his mistakes he did in the mission.

"Lance pay attention next time!"

"Did you not hear us?!"

"You almost cost us the mission"

"I can't believe that the blue lion choose a idiot like you!"

"Can't you do anything right?!"

"I wish we never met!"

"You're just a mistake!"

I was the prototype like 3 Stacks on that CD
An example of the perfect candidate

Keith was going to say more, but he saw Lance cry. He's never seen him cry before so this was new to him and it made Keith freeze. Hunk walked up to Lance slowly and tried to hug him, but Lance pushed him away.

"I'm f-fine Hunk I-I just need to go to m-my room and rest so then I-I can be a b-better paladin t-tomorrow," Everyone saw that Lance wasn't even sure of his own statement.

Keith was going to run after Lance, but Hunk and Pidge stopped him from following Lance to his room.

Now all your girlfriends say that you don't want to see me

"I think you've done enough damage to him,"Hunk said in the coldest tone Keith has ever heard from Hunk. Keith just stood there wondering what to do now

With their blue paladin broken

Hunk was extra careful and sensitive around Lance because he wanted to make sure he didn't make him worse. They would bake together and Hunk would teach Lance how to cook and Lance would sometimes smile for a sec then be emotionless the next, but Hunk thought any emotion from Lance was good.

You're the reason that I just can't concentrate

Pidge was also careful around the blue paladin. When she would see Lance she would always include him and talk to him for hours on science and her inventions so he wouldn't go to his room and stay there all day and possibly hurt himself.

Keith was trying and trying to make up with Lance, but it just never happened since he was always with Hunk or Pidge and they wouldn't let him near Lance again not after that incident. Keith tried anyways. Shiro would tell Keith to stop because he didn't want Keith to worry about Lance anymore when he's being taken care of by the green and yellow paladins.

I, (I, I) I've been trying to fix my pride
But that shit's broken, that shit's broken

As for apologizing Shiro would try sometimes to help Keith on what to say to Lance, but it would never work since he could never get close to to Lance. Shiro has asked Hunk and Pidge to let Keith apologize to Lance, but they would refuse and say that Keith would just yell at Lance again and make him worse. Once Lance was alone and was walking to the bathroom and Keith ran after him and tapped his shoulder. Lance turned around and saw Keith and just looked at him with a blank face.

Lie (lie, lie), lie, l-lie, I try to hide
But now you know it

"Lance I know that you probably don't want to talk to me, but please listen to me!"Keiths clenched his fists and his head was low. Lance just stood there.

"Lance I-I'm sorry and I know I shouldn't have said all those things to you I-I was just mad and upset because of what Zarcon has been doing to all these years and I didn't want to fail,"Keith knew his excuses were pathetic, but he didn't care all he cared was that he was finally talking to Lance.

But now you know it
That I'm at an all time

Lance just looked at him with nothingness. He didn't have emotions anymore besides sadness and all the time when he was with Pidge or Hunk he would sometimes fake it, but he usually doesn't have the energy to.

Low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low

Lance knew he had to say something to the red paladin do he just said one word


Keith looked and Lance confused and Lance just kept saying it over and over again. Keith started to shake Lance and kept saying, "Stop what? Lance!"

Low, low, low, low
Low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Low, low

Lance just sighed at Keith, "Stop apologizing it's not worth it Keith. I'm done being happy like nothing ever happened since it'll be too much for me so stop."
Lie, l-lie, I try to hide
But now you know it

Keith froze at Lances words. The Lance they knew was gone...and Keith was the reason he was gone. Keiths eyes filled up with tears and he started to cry.

"Lance no it's my fault you're like this! Please forgive me and be the fun loving Lance that we all know and love please! I don't want you to be broken anymore!,"Keith was on his knees, crying and Lance just sighed.

That I'm at an all time

"Keith I appreciate it, but the fun loving Lance you guys love is gone,"Then with that Lance walked away from Keith who was still crying and was hating himself

Low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low


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